Sunday Curtis was at it again. I was trying to get some paperwork organized to claim some medical expenses through Linda's work. We both get $800 a year for massage, chiro, acupuncture, and similar stuff. Here's Curtis helping with the paperwork, making sure it doesn't fly away in a breeze or something.
Unfortunately, tails do not work so well for data entry.
It was a beautiful day for a run, if pretty windy. That helped keep me cool though. Mostly it went really well, running up to the reservoir and back. I felt pretty steady on my feet, though, and had a really good stretch after.
Now to the end is Runmeter stuff only, so if you're not interested stop reading now, and thanks for dropping by! Don't be afraid to leave a comment.
I like the pace graph, but I wish I could smooth out the lines slightly. The point of this run was to be steady and it looks like I'm all over the place. Km 6 in particular was gradually slowing, not because there is a hill, but I was right into the teeth of a pretty strong wind.
After some more exploring I found there is all sorts of things I can do with this, including graph bombing my Twitter and Facebook feeds. I won't do that. There is a heart rate monitor I can buy that talks to Runmeter. In fact, the ones I have now might work. Something to add to my to do list.
Re: dishcloth as tripod... We may have to start calling you McGuyver!