Sunday, July 20, 2014

So, how'd I do?

On Friday, I posted my to do list. Here it is, with a thing or two crossed off. Did I exceed your expectations?

In no particular order:

  • Fix a few stain dribbles on the lodge floor where I got sloppy.
  • Finish the first exterior coat. (Weather dependent.)
  • Start and finish the second coat. (Weather dependent.)
  • Start and finish the clear coat. (Weather dependent.)
  • Test some of the clear coat on the fence to see how it looks.
  • Tidy my desk. I emptied my work pack, and it's all on the desk, and none of it goes back to work.
  • Start on my year end paperwork for my company. Completion will be nice, but starting is acceptable.
  • Clean and store a bunch of wine bottles. Some need bleaching.
  • Bottle the one wine kit that looks ready to go.
  • Run with a buddy. Gently.
The exterior staining took a lot longer than I thought to do around the windows, and there was quite a bit more interior staining I decided to do. By the end of Saturday I was where I was hoping to be on Friday. Sunday looked like rain, and it did rain several times. Now I need to brush sand off the bottom bit before I stain again. Good thing I didn't try to push ahead.

The desk, before and after, with a surprise in the middle.

The surprise in the middle is the remnants of my social insurance card. Good thing I've got the number memorized. The plastic is only 40 years old or so, and has been in various wallets. I recently swapped wallets and dragged a bunch of stuff out, and that was in the middle of it, but I didn't realize at the time. I also found a receipt from our trip to Vancouver in 2012. I really should tidy more often.

As for work paperwork, the bar was pretty low, I admit. I count organizing the paper neatly, as "started." You can send your commentary to

I washed and bleached bottles, and bottled the Pinot Grigio. We are drinking it with dinner and it's really nice just out of the carboy. There's just the slightest bit of sharpness. I think with some refrigeration, and a spicy patio snack, I could serve it to guests and there would be no complaints. A few months in the bottle and it should be wonderful. Pity summer will be over. I'll have to see about the label though. It could peel off really easy, or be horrible.

I had lots of encouragement from my run buddy today, but my legs were not with it at all. Plus it rained and was cool and I was feeling like a weenie, and sort of wanting to see the x-ray results tonight before running further. Many of you read just the "weenie" comment there. That's ok. I read how far they ran and was impressed. They are champs.

The un-weenie activity has been giving Curtis 4 squirts of medication every day. It's getting harder and harder. The teeth and claws haven't come out yet, but that's only because he's a very good natured cat. I'm seriously thinking about invoking the country vet rule, that is, if you can't catch your patient, it doesn't need you. Here I am, getting the furry eye because the rival object is in my lap.

Another weekend has zoomed by. Even with a nap this afternoon, I'm still going to be tired heading into work tomorrow. I figure the odds are 50-50 I'll be told my contributions are no longer needed, so I'm not in a rush.


  1. Much progress was made! #notaweenie. I hope tomorrow is a better day than you imagine...

  2. I wondered with all that staining whether you'd get to the other things on the list (the list was very ambitious for a weekend). I always find that staining, painting, etc requires way more time than seems possible - fiddly little corners, edges, trims, etc! The place will look awesome and you'll not have to worry about doing it again for years!

    So, I'm gathering you don't condition your wine? We do (even though we leave it in the carboy for 6 - 8 months) just to take off that 'green' edge. When we were introduced to conditioning, we scoffed - holy hell, we were firm believers after the very first attempt. Perhaps you and The Husband can discuss when we see you in a month and a bit???

    Curtis is so giving you attitude in that pic - love it!

    1. I've never conditioned or filtered wine. My thinking is that gravity has a pretty reliable record of pulling things down, and I'm patient enough to let it do it's thing. Some of our batches have had some sediment on the side of the bottle, but that just reminds me that life is imperfect. We tend to like a drier wine over a sweeter wine.


Looking forward to reading your comment!