Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Once again, I miss my own bloggy-versary

What can I say? I'm good about our own anniversary and Linda's birthday. I have a brother and a cousin that share a birthday on a major holiday (different years, and HBDTY R and R, not that the second R reads my blog) so that's easy to remember. I know my own birthdate, of course, but it seems to come around quicker and quicker every year, and it always sneaks up on me. I dread the question, what do you want for your birthday?

It's easy enough to put birthdays into your phone along with names, addresses, other contact info, and all that, and there are some in mine. I see birthday wishes on Facebook all the time, and that's because Facebook has told people to wish other people happy birthday. Am I the only one to think this is cheating? The Facebook users of you might be scratching your heads wondering, and I can assure you that no, you've never seen such a hint from Facebook for me. Facebook doesn't know when my birthday is. Birthdays aren't a big deal for me.

It's been 11 years for the blog now, and I'm still loving it. Over the lifetime of the blog that adds up to a blog every 1.409 days. Recently it's been pretty well daily. I've been thinking about some changes lately, but the only actual change is to trim off some blogroll deadwood. I figure if you haven't blogged in several years, you aren't going to. If you do resume, leave a note here so I know to go look.

I've been looking at that blogroll. It used to be that every morning, a bunch rolled up on the list since the previous night. Right now, the visible part of the list is all within the last 24 hours or so, and for lately, that's pretty good. Blogging doesn't seem to be as popular any more. I get lots of traffic from Beth at Shut Up and Run. Thanks for dropping in, guys, don't be afraid to say hello!

But I have no idea how much traffic other blogs get from me. None at all. Do you use my blogroll? For which blogs? (Blogroll, you ask? Tell me more.)

So until I say different, what you see is what you get. A hodgepodge, in other words. You don't know what your going to get. Maybe a single photo and hardly any text. Maybe the giant wall'o'text with only one photo to reward the slog. Maybe a mix.

I must say, that 11 years went by quickly. Zoom! Eight employers, if I've counted on my fingers correctly. Some might call me fickle. All I can say is, enjoy what you have, it will pass quickly.

The skies have been pretty interesting lately. Here's a couple you haven't seen.

So the questions.
Do you use my blogroll? 
For which blogs?


  1. "I see birthday wishes on Facebook all the time, and that's because Facebook has told people to wish other people happy birthday. Am I the only one to think this is cheating?" Yes to this!

    Blogroll - yes, I use it to check J's new blog (Just One Thing) because I've been to lazy to add it to my blogger reading list. And for others that I don't read all the time but if the blog title sounds interesting I'll head over.

    Happy Blog-aversary. And that last photo - Wowzers!

  2. So glad you're still blogging, Keith! I'd miss it if you stopped. I confess I don't read a lot of other blogs regularly but that will change when I retire!! Happy Blog-aversary! And I agree with Janet that the second photo is amazing! The first one's glorious too!

  3. Happy blog-aversary! Yes, I'm one of those readers who visit from Shut up an Run. And yes, I use your blogroll to read up on Steve in a Speedo, the Bloggess and Just One Thing. I already discovered Mr Money Mustache and find him inspiring. He doesn't blog that often anymore but a good thing that you list him. Thanks for blogging so diligently, I love to keep up with your activities!

  4. Belated blog-aversary! I enjoy the hodge podge and would miss it if you stopped hodging and podging. I usually visit at least once a week, and as you know I often have at least a bon-mot to add. Over time I have clicked on all your blog roll links and return to them on an equally irrational basis. Cheers, Sean


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