Friday, August 23, 2024

Post trip and race lull, last book promo

After big the trip I was working on a lot of photos. There was a day trip to Waterton, with more photos. I did photos for the Wild Rose triathlon, and that was many photos. This last week has been a bit of a lull recovering from all that and polishing the book. 

Although I have carried the big film camera along for two walks, scouting for long exposure photos. A few were almosts, or maybes, depending on what the light is like. This one is an iPhone photo with Delta 100 filters.

2. Sneak peek. This is the cover of the NL book. I'm on the verge of pushing the publish button. One for me, and one of my readers has purchased a copy. Thank you so much! 62 pages, 88 photos, of which 7 are the full 26 inch width of the lay flat book. Here's a sneak peek of the cover image. What with a current discount, pricing is about $200 plus shipping. If you're interested in buying a copy for yourself, or as a gift for someone, let me know quick. 

3. These images are from around the Cape Spear lighthouse. None of the NL images below are in the book.

4. These people were chair pigs. They were sitting there when we first walked up to the lighthouse. They were still there after walking around a while, scoping out the lighthouse itself, and admiring the view on a beautiful day. Other people gave them the stink eye, wanting to get the classic red chair photo. In the end I settled for this.

5. A display, not the original mounting.

6. Some of the nearby shoreline. It was a good candidate for that bucket list photo, but it was hard to get to a suitable vantage point. When I say hard, what I really mean is life threatening.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)


Film Daniel's Harbour shoreline, long exposure.

Linda, pretending to be frightened on a narrow bit of trail. The chain was there for a reason.

The workhorse camera and lens getting a rest on a piece of driftwood at the Arches Provincial Park, on 35mm film. Obviously not as found.

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