Monday, August 12, 2024

Cook and Linda

When I was in grade school I'd read about Captain Cook and his famous voyages in the Pacific. I had not known he has a strong connection to Newfoundland. Over 5 years in the 1760's he and his crew mapped the Newfoundland coastline. He did such a good job the maps were in use until GPS became common, and could still be used today. His work doing that is what led to him being selected for the Pacific voyages. There are lots of Cook related memorials but we found this one by surprise.

1. We found this in Bottle Cove, near Corner Brook.

2. There's this fun little display model on the boardwalk around the cove.

3. Those people would not leave! I wanted a photo of Linda in the little display and they kept hanging around. Even in this shot they looked like they were going to come back. If I'd waited till they were completely out of frame I think we'd still be there.

4. From our 2020 trip to New Zealand, a memorial to Captain Cook above, where else, Cook's Bay.

We also stopped at the Insectarium near Deer Lake. Like many things on our trip, this turned out to be surprisingly interesting. Butterflies are the major attraction, though there are some tarantulas in glass cages. They were pretty fascinating, but the reactions of people to them were even more interesting. I thought one woman was going to have a complete melt down when she turned the corner and saw them. I seriously thought about yelling, "Look out, one of the tarantula cages is open!"










14. As they say in the films, there's good production values here.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)
I loved this chunk of driftwood! It's huge, has a lovely texture, and great curves. 

Driftwood (NL) As a reminder, my driftwood photos are as found.

An historical settlement along the Yukon River.

Film (new) 
I'm not entirely sure why I took this photo from near Twillingate. Perhaps I thought the boat would show up as a streak during the 2m 30 s exposure, but I like what it did with the clouds and water.

Linda at another set of red chairs, near L'anse aux Meadows.

The sky over the Tablelands. I was struggling with settings here for some reason. The sky was much, much bluer.

1 comment:

  1. Love the butterfly photos - OK, maybe not the first one...that eye!!!


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