Friday, August 30, 2024

Flowery Friday 3

Or maybe it's 4. I don't know how I should treat that Flowery Sunday last week in terms of numbering. Whatever.

These are the remaining flower images from before our NL trip. Mid June or so, till late June. Never fear, there are some flower photos in the pipeline from after the trip.

Oh, and I'm coming up on 4,000 blog posts. Imagine that! Any special requests for that one?














14. The tree peony finally bloomed! We've been waiting for this for years. It turns out to be surprisingly difficult to photograph.



Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)

All good things must end. It's been two years of Yukon photos in about 210 Of the Day features, in addition to the posts immediately after the trip. I love the photos, and have fond memories of the trips, but then there aren't many photos left un-blogged, and they're much the same as the others. So I thought I'd finish off with another view down this beautiful valley.

Film Some logs in Cameron Lake.



Part of the view from the walk around the Citadel. We thought about going to check out that point, but getting there is tricky, and there's other things we wanted to do more.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Rain at last

For those that were wondering, I pushed the big orange publish button on the Newfoundland book the other day. No delivery date yet. Can't wait.

The next book is already in progress, and has been since earlier this year. This one is capturing my best film long exposure photos. I'm up to 12 images so far, in a smaller book. The current title is, "The untitled film project." Imaginative, I know. There is no cover image yet. I'll have to think about that. Maybe I'll take a nice image of the GW690 that captured all the images in the book.

It also occurred to me that I hadn't done a book about the Vancouver Island trip last year. I'm not sure why not. At this very moment I'm not even sure how many photos there are to work with.

Since it's a rainy day, and we sure needed it, maybe I'll work on both of them. This is the first real rain we've had since we got back, and yesterday was the first time I've cut the lawn since getting home. It's been about a month since the lawn service guy did it while we were gone. The lawn was getting getting pretty brown.

In an update from the Borg, I had a hearing test the other day. My hearing has not changed in any significant way now for about a decade, which is good. Still deaf in the frequencies of Linda's voice. (badadump!) It's the higher frequencies I can't hear. They did a hearing aid tuneup and I'm back in business. It's much nicer watching videos on the computer via hearing aids rather than the wired earbuds.

Here's a few more from a recent trip to Waterton Park with Sean.

1. We had some lovely mist and fog on the drive down, and stopped several times.

2. As always, I'm enraptured by driftwood.

3. The other post with photos from this trip had some intentional camera movement that I think was more interesting than this one, but then, I wouldn't have got that one, without this one.

4. Cameron Lake.

5. There was a forest fire recently, and the regrowth amid the partially burnt dead trees has some possibilities.

6. One of the Lundbreck Falls, from the observation area at 1/13 of a second to get some water texture. The film photos were the main focus of my attention.

7. The other.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)


The swimming hole at Cox's Cove.

Walking carefully on the wet rocks at Arches Provincial Park.

One of the things I thought about was to capture photos of the red chairs and their view, and perhaps that would make it into the book. That turned out not to be as interesting an idea as I first thought, mainly because it's been done to death.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Flowery, Sunday?

I haven't featured flowers much in the blog this year. Busy. And Fridays, somehow it seems that other things come up. As you've probably figured out, this blog is not an AI generated Google algorithm search optimized thing. Like much of the rest of my life, I'm just making it up as I go along. I'm pleased that some of you want to follow along. Or as one wag put it, are riveted awaiting the inevitable train wreck.

So that means as I sit here drinking coffee, I noticed that some flower photos from early June are nearly ready to roll off the 'not blogged in 90 days' folder. So today you get flowers from June 3 to 11. Enjoy.

1. Tulips in the morning light are amazing.


3. The peonies were unfolding and we missed much of the show this year. Michelle sent us photos, which was so nice!


5. We planted this tree peony several years ago, and it has slowly been growing. This is the first year it's put out a bloom.











16. One of the new roses.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)

Somehow I couldn't persuade anyone to hang off the outside of the rail to be framed by the bridge piers.

Cameron lake on a cloudy hazy day.

At the Meeting of Two Worlds sculpture at L'anse aux Meadows.

A flower in the tablelands.