Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quickie tempo spin

Warm up
3 x 6 min tempo then 4 min easy
cool down

I interpreted "tempo" as meaning mid to upper zone 3, and nailed that. Pedaled about 100 rpm in a medium gear on small chainring. Could probably have kept going at that pace, but was glad enough to stop.

Nice hour on the bike. Stretched after. Could touch toes with knees straight! I'm always enormously amused by that, since there's probably fewer than a dozen occasions in my life when I could. I think that means legs are loosening up as I rest.


  1. Nice to hear you can touch your toes... I can just picture the scene at your place:

    Keith: "Linda! Come here, you have to see this!"

    Linda: "Coming dear!"

    Keith: "Look! I can touch my toes -- and my knees are straight!"

    Linda (smiling and the shark's antics): "Oh my!"


  2. Good luck this weekend! I would be out there cheering you on but I have a party just outside of town the night before and will probably have a few wobbly pops.

  3. Good luck this weekend and so looking forward to your recap of it all :) Release the SHARK!!!


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