Friday, May 15, 2020

More model photos

In case you're getting caught up with the story, Michelle and I did a super fun model shoot Wednesday evening. The occasion was the Calgary Tower doing an LED show with blue and yellow lights for Melanoma Awareness Month.

I'd scouted out several locations with the thought that I'd try to get nice photos of Michelle with the tower all lit up in the background. They said the show would start at 8:30 but it was still bright. We got there early and did not waste the awesome light. 

Here's some more from the evening.


This is almost what I had in mind, if only it were darker.

She brought some props. This is her black hat look.
White hat look.
A couple knitted hat looks.
The white hat and shawl look.
I was stunned by how well this and several other similar photos turned out. I was expecting to get more sunlight through the hat, and did not expect the halo look all around her.
Her black robe look.
Serious and professional.
I've seen this smile so often.
One of the quiet, contemplative looks we wanted for this part of the shoot.

Flower of the Day
The first purple tulip!
I was taking a photo of the map for another reason, but Curtis loves to be helpful in smoothing out the paper. Or expressing his dominance.

Driftwood of the Day
Same piece of wood. This chunk showed up earlier with ladybugs.

1 comment:

  1. I was on a model shoot on Sunday and one of the other 3 photographers made a comment that gave me a frame for working with models. Working with models gives us an opportunity to develop and practice our craft. With this new way of framing model work, I believe I can now go into modelling experiences with a much clearer perspective. So where does this lead to in terms of comments on this set. I like 8, 9, 14, 17 as portraits because they feel natural and also give me hints on the model's character. The other's are successful images within the context of practising ones craft. Cheers, Sean


Looking forward to reading your comment!