Monday, November 16, 2015

The spin didn't, but

I was so pleased myself, getting home, feeding the cats, and getting on the bike for a spin session. Celina was very pleased with the new (old) crunchies, and inhaled them. Curtis is very suspicious, but I don't think he's caught onto the true depths of the perfidious humans. He got the same old. There is still another can of the wet that he doesn't like but will eat, eventually, but Celina won't eat at all.

The spin didn't go so well. It took 23 minutes of slowly speeding up to hit 100 rpm for a short time. A very short time. By the time 30 minutes rolled around, no, rolling implies smoothness. This was clunky and both knees were feeling weak. At 30 minutes I called it and went over to my yoga mat.

Yesterday I did something else in the new but old category. A plank for the first time in forever. A whole minute! I was amazed. Getting off the bike today I was determined to see if that was a fluke, or what.


1:15! Yay me! I even did a bit of (pathetic) side plank. That felt very weak. I tried a few very gentle, shallow squats to give my weak and feeble butt the idea it was going to get some action. Tomorrow. Let's see if I can keep a plank thing going every day or not. I think the longest I've done it before was a month or so.

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