Thursday, September 12, 2019

The last Dawson day

There was a plan to put up some more of the photos I'd edited but not published. But like so many things in the north, there needs to be some flexibility built into the plan. Yesterday was a smoky day in Dawson so the photos are muted. I wandered along the river valley and got some nice shots of distressed wood. One of them will come out looking like dragon scales. I think. One never knows till you see it on the computer.

The problem is that I have tired eyes that are burning from smoke. Plus my laptop is being pissy about Lightroom. Plus the Dawson intertubes are being slow. So you get two photos this morning, with the promise of more kind of soonish. After a photo gig Friday morning, major Curtis cuddles the rest of Friday, and an important photo date on Saturday. Really important. Stay tuned.

There's a ferry in this shot.

Flowers! Don't ask.

Peony of the Day
(July 25)

Driftwood of the Day

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