Monday, March 24, 2025

Not an election post

Though I'm not 100% sure what it will be. Let's find out.

We're in the tough season for Calgary, one of the many springs. Just now it's T shirt weather outside. It might rain later, or it might not. Even though it's warm it wouldn't be a surprise to see snow. It goes back and forth, never quite make up it's mind. It drives the gardeners crazy.

When it's cold, it's nice to walk on Fish Creek and get into places that are essentially impossible during summer and fall. Plus the swampy areas are much prettier in the winter. The swamps, bogs, and wild voracious roses are a real hazard during summer and fall. During spring the ice is unreliable, and the bogs are new and hungry, though the roses haven't got started yet. 

I think we are a long way from green in our garden, but the plants are little optimists sometimes. They get started and Linda is all "Nooooooo! Not yet, there's more snow coming." Which is a safe bet.

This is what we have now.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)
It's hard for me to believe this was taken almost exactly 5 years ago. Piha beach, just before coming home to COVID. Time flies.

Rainy reflections in the nearby skate park



Polar bears

Why ever didn't I publish this, and maybe I did. 
I didn't, actually, because it's slightly out of focus. I was new to it all then, back in September 2016. This is a carefully chosen view to remind people of a time when the Calgary Tower was the tallest building here. Lots of buildings are taller than it now, and it's easily possible to get photos of downtown where the tower cannot be seen at all.

90 days, or so ago
Again, actually mid Feb, during the Elbow Falls ramble. My fascination with driftwood and all.

I saw this while scrolling through the unblogged folder, and while I'm positive that I've blogged it, this is one of the best photos of him, and I don't think anyone will mind seeing it again.

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