Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Some scrappy photos

Still with it, though the issue was in some doubt early last week. Whatever it was hit me hard for a couple days. The only real activity was the darkroom class (which has been lots of fun and learning!), a photo ramble on the weekend with Michelle (see below), and a race on Sunday (see the race tab on the other blog). In between those things I was mostly asleep.

Photos from the Newfoundland trip are starting to roll off my 'not blogged in 90 days' smart folder. That seems really quick. Here's a couple from the top of the list, before they roll off.

1. Sunset from the deck of the Cox's Cove house.

2. Cox's Cove swimming hole, as I was setting up for film photos.

3. Bottle Cove beach.

4. Linda on the Cox's Cove "beach".

I've been working through a roll of HP5 on 35mm that was bought for the dark room course. Generally the photos are, with a few exceptions, unremarkable. They were taken with the idea of seeing how that scene would look in print. That roll started with Linda in Canmore one afternoon, as we drove out to meet friends for dinner. And what a lovely time we had!

5. Linda again, posing with the Canmore bear.

6. A reflective tree scene.

7. You'd never know this was taken in the middle of a small town. 

Michelle was driving past the metal recycling scrap yard and thought the morning light might make a nice photo opportunity. It took a bit to get our schedules aligned, but we finally made it out for a ramble and coffee after. That finished the roll of HP5. I was thinking that it might have looked better on Delta 100, but that's what was in the camera. I'm liking the grungy, gritty look, and plan to print them with a bit more contrast than one might use to make a 'nice' photo.

8. We found this red telephone booth and had some fun with it. Michelle is checking it for spiders or other inhabitants.

9. We were playing with the idea of Superman changing in the phone booth thing.

10. Yes, that's me.

11. I can't wait to see this in print. I love the Linda Hamilton in T2 vibe. 

12. The scrapyard.

13. There's a similar version of this on a roll of colour film yet to be developed. In that one a couple workers were up on the conveyor belt, waving at Michelle.


15. Michelle was actually working the scene for her photo, and was obliging to hold still while I figured out settings. I love that line of light up her leg and back, with the darkness and texture of denim.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)

Film, during an evening stroll in Twillingate.

Linda, same evening stroll.


Why ever didn't I publish this, and maybe I did
Here it is early October, and we're still getting blackberries at the market! This is from 2017.

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