Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September Image of the Month

A quiet photographic month for me. Well, sort of. There was a community event, and photos taken specifically for the darkroom class I'm taking at SAIT. These were taken more to see how that specific film (HP5) treated various subjects, and how the prints will look compared to the digital version, than because they would make a good photo, though I tried to do that too. I hope that made sense. 

To my surprise, all 36 worked out quite nicely. I've got several tagged for printing, and I can't wait to see how that works out. This is only the second roll of it I've exposed. The first roll was ok, but then I was still learning that particular camera.

There aren't a lot of photos to choose from, and it was pretty obvious which the best of the bunch was. Rather than dither about the runners up, I'm going to pass on them for this month.

Image of the Month
Linda, in a quick portrait photo, almost a snapshot, taken with a really sharp lens. This is not edited at all, beyond inverting the negative in Negative Lab Pro and a tiny bit of cropping to get rid of the film borders. This will be the first actual photo I print. And yes, Linda quite likes it.

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