Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tiny little homes for fairy folk

Back in the day, way, way back in the day, people believed in all sorts of things  that only make it into fairy tales now. 

We shouldn't laugh at them, some people believe that Trump is telling the truth and would make a good president. Don't get me started on Danielle Smith.

During our walk around the L'anse aux Meadows grounds, we found these tiny little houses.




And nearby, lovely rocks with vegetation clinging to every available crack.


6. This is one of the shores where I could (mostly) get at it, and there are almost certainly crashing waves sometimes. Just not when we were there.



9. More of the red chairs.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)

Where should be self explanatory. We ate there our first evening, mainly because it was easy walking distance from our AirBnB, and I didn't want to drive anywhere else in the rain. Our waiter was fascinated to hear we were from Calgary, since she was planning to go there soon for Stampede. Fortunately she was flying Porter. The photo was actually taken our last full day there, during a nice stroll around the nearby lake.

Linda with two new buddies at L'anse aux Meadows.

Newfoundland, trying to get the scale of the mountains beside Western Brook Pond in Gros Morne National Park.

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