Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Recent books, not mine

Starting with a photo book, of course. How had I never actually heard of George Hunter? I'd seen some of his images. So have you, whether you know it or not. George Hunter's Canada is filled with wonderful images mostly from years past, when Canada was young.

I don't read a lot of fiction these days, but saw this in the library by chance and picked it up. It turned out to be a 'boy finds his destiny' story, with some cryptic puzzles thrown in. Turned out to be a fast and easy read. The Fellowship of Puzzle Makers by Samuel Burr.

This is almost more a chemistry course than a photography book. It was interesting reading over the overview of the old chemical processes that used to be needed to create a photograph, but the rest is the actual chemistry and how to, which is less interesting till the time comes to actually try it. Then it would be perfect. In the mean time I'm sticking with commercial film and developing it myself.

And no, I don't have a delivery date for the NL book yet, which is a bit of a surprise.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)
Arches Provincial Park.

Sean will recognize this tree and bridge. I was out to finish a roll of a film stock I didn't particularly like. For complicated reasons I wanted to capture this bridge from roughly this vantage point, and knew there were a couple possible trees to use as foreground. The province is doing some work on the pathways near there, so it was a bit tricky getting there.

Linda on top of the Twillingate overlook tower, overlooking.


1 comment:

  1. Catching up after a busy August - stopped by to see all the photos, but didn't have time to comment. Loved seeing you in one of the photos (rare sight - always behind the camera) and am loving the NL pics! The reflection post was hauntingly beautiful.
    Keep doing what you're doing. I enjoy the rambles, the Image of the Month, the Flower Fridays - always happy to see the notification come in that there's a new post up and ready to view :)


Looking forward to reading your comment!