
Sunday, February 7, 2021

A sort of antidote to the minus WTF

Just now it's really cold and snowing here. Something about a polar vortex. One of my readers sent me some photos of flowers blooming and liquid water near her home. Yes, in Canada. Of course she did. The only water here these days is a mineral. I dream of New Zealand.

But late last year was nice. I spent one afternoon walking on the wet ice at the Glennfield day area. But there was more to the day. I was out for a drive after, mainly to see what the road construction was doing, and kept going, wondering what interesting shots in the setting sun I might find.

There's a place at the bottom of a hill where normally I keep going straight, but that day I turned right. I have never in the 40 years I've lived here taken that road. It goes in the SW side of the Tsuut'inna nation and comes out near where I live. There are big signs saying no trespassing, and no through traffic, and to go to the office to get a permit. I've heard anecdotal stories of them being unhappy about uninvited guests, and I suppose I can't blame them.

Not far from where I turned around I found these hay bales. I'm kind of a sucker for these kind of bales, and the light was lovely. I was wondering what those two were up to, away from the herd like that.

How cold is it here lately? This cold.

Or this, from this morning. At least it's not cloudy and snowing now, though the driveway and sidewalks need to be shovelled.

I was watching a video on a photo blog done by a landscape photographer in the UK, and just about peed myself when he said his dream conditions to get out in was hoarfrost or fresh snow. Of course, it rarely happens where he lives. He mentioned some other conditions that are nearly every day occurrences here. However, he has the seaside and all sorts of other lovely landscapes to shoot. 

Some white is nice, but it gets old by the end of winter. Spring can happen any time now, but I know it's months off. With the speed that the weeks are zooming by, I'll be retired again before I know it, out every day with the camera in nice weather. Maybe even some events to shoot. I miss shooting people events.

The ongoing message about being notified so you don't miss any blogs. I'll be repeating this bit of text for a while. Scrolling through Facebook is making me unhappy, so I want to do less of it, and see how that feels. It's all too easy to start scrolling after putting a up a notice I've blogged. I will drop in on a photo group I like, but anything after that is uncertain.

So if you want to be sure you don't miss a blog, send an email to keith at nucleus dot com and ask to be put on my blog notification list. You'll get an email with a link whenever I blog. Plus there may be some extra goodies for those on the list. If you find the blog through another means, that's fine too, I'm happy to have you read however that works.

Of the Day

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