
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The apricating mammal

 If there's one thing Celina likes to do, it's bask in the sun. Given a choice between a warm lap with her favourite fuzzy blanket, or up on the cat tree in the sun, she has to think about it. Today was like many other days, her snoozing in her perch, periodically looking out at the world, or keeping an eye on us.

I managed to get several nice photos of her, which is harder than you'd think. She is a pretty cat with lovely markings, but typically not particularly photogenic. If I got Curtis in focus, he looked great. Celina, not so much. Something about the disapproving look in her eyes. Today she didn't mind the photos, and was mostly sleepy.

It's still really cold out, well into WTF territory. Both of us were out for a walk anyway, telling ourselves there isn't bad weather, just poor clothing choices. We've actually been almost too warm depending on the direction of the wind and how much sun there is.

When we get back, a few rare times Celina will hop up on the stub wall to say hello. At least that's the impression she wants to give. We know she's only interested in molesting the fur on our mittens. Most times she notices us, and goes back to sleep.

There's days I want to join her. The warm sun coming in the south windows makes for a comfortable place to read or use the laptop. The days can pass quickly doing that, if you let it. But there are other things on the go that I must attend to. Like trying to keep a Citrix window, and a Remote Desktop window open while working on the regular desktop. 

Here's another of Celina, to make you smile.

The ongoing message about being notified so you don't miss any blogs. I'll be repeating this bit of text for a while. Scrolling through Facebook is making me unhappy, so I want to do less of it, and see how that feels. It's all too easy to start scrolling after putting a up a notice I've blogged. I will drop in on a photo group I like, but anything after that is uncertain.

So if you want to be sure you don't miss a blog, send an email to keith at nucleus dot com and ask to be put on my blog notification list. You'll get an email with a link whenever I blog. Plus there may be some extra goodies for those on the list. If you find the blog through another means, that's fine too, I'm happy to have you read however that works.

Of the Day

More of the frost from the other day. Yes, it's still really cold. If I get the sun at the right time I might try for more of these, and maybe even with the real macro lens. This is with the extension tubes on the 100 mm.

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