
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunrise, sunset

There's been some nice sunrise and sunsets the last few days. You never know what you're going to get. I'll hustle out with my camera when it looks good and hope. Sometimes it's there, and sometimes not. Look for the airplane in one of the images. 

But in a cruder segue than I usually manage, sunsets inevitably bring to mind endings. Curtis was a big ending for me, one that I'm still coming to grips with. I think Celina has recently clued in that he isn't actually coming back, and she's been a lot more demanding of attention. However, we're reluctant to repeat our Bernard experience. If you need to catch up on our cat history, the first part of this AMA will help.

My recent surprising work contract has the original end date coming up fast, but there's lots of work left, and there's already been discussion of renewal. Not to jinx it or anything. It means tweaking retirement planning, but life is change. Maybe I should think of it as a false sunset, where the sun goes behind a bank of clouds, but hasn't set yet. 

Regular readers will know I've periodically blogged about my retirement (my re-re-re-retirment) and that I was persuaded (Hi Andrea!) to take another work contract. It's been fun working with a great bunch of people. What's been really surprising is having several recruiters getting in touch with me, wondering if I was open to other offers. NOT!! Still, it's nice to be contacted, but that sunset thing. Work isn't as much fun as it was before excel jumped the shark. Seriously. I'm done with xl, and the whole MS family of applications. Don't get me started. 

The big ending that many people have looked forward to is the end of the Trump presidency. I've been trying to dial back on the news lately, and he's a big part of the reason. What boggles my mind is that after 4 years of insanity, MORE people voted for him than 4 years ago. That they like what they saw, tells me there is a deep sickness in America. An anti-reality sickness. I don't know what the cure is.

What really troubles me is that we have our min-Trump in power in Edmonton, hacking and slashing at our province. We knew all along that the so called war room was nothing but a front to spend public funds on private buddies, but the extent of the corruption went further I had imagined. And yet, I personally know people that think Kenney is not only doing a good job, but is too soft on dismantling the rot (as they see it) of the Notley government, and much too soft on union workers. As for tax cuts to billion dollar corporations, they say bring it on, it means more jobs. Except it doesn't. Alberta has done nothing but shed jobs since Kenney took office.

It's easy to think that these tough times are the end. But study history, and you'll see things go on. The sun rises the next day. It might rise on a mess. Maybe not everybody who wanted to see that sunrise actually will. Some of the people who deserve to see it, won't, and some that don't, will. You get the idea. If you're here today, you get some influence on how much of a mess there is tomorrow. Stand up. Push back on the lies. Make a difference.

Eventually, COVID will end. We're all waiting. Waiting hard. Too many will not see that sunrise. Wear your mask. Keep your distance. Hang in there.


Of the Day
Celina is a hard snoozer. All she did was curl up tighter as I clicked. 

The rose, again.



  1. You're right the election results aren't all that encouraging when you look closely at them. One of the things I read on CNN tonight is that Trump had a 12% advantage over Biden with white women. How is that possible?! What woman in her right mind would vote for him? On the upside, more people than ever voted, and a substantial majority of them voted for Biden and Harris so maybe there's some hope in that. And there was at least anecdotal evidence that folks supportive of their fellow voters, even when they didn't agree with their choices.

    Anyway, thanks for your insights and reflections - and for sharing those lovely sky images, which are so good for our battered souls.

  2. I invite everyone to do what they can to let Kenny know that Alberta is more than a collection of selfish dinosaurs. There are also those who believe we should first agree that looking after each other (and the land) is the most important thing. Then we can look at how we are going to fund that. Cheers, Sean


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