
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Well, poop

That did not go as I had hoped, but I'm not surprised by the result. Sigh.

Still, it's an argument for some form of proportional representation. I suppose I should put this in a fancy table, but I'm sure you can cope.

UCP got 55.2% of the vote, and got 63 seats. RP would give them 47 or 48 seats. Note this is still a majority.
NDP got 32.2% of the vote, and got 24 seats. RP would give them 28 seats.

Nobody else got any seats, but the Alberta Party got 9.2% of the vote, they should have got 8 seats. Everybody else got fractional results and I'm not going to do the math. But almost 10% of the electorate are not represented by their chosen party. It should take 1.1% of the popular vote to get a seat, but it takes about 35 to 40% to get your fair share of seats, then suddenly it changes and you get more than your fair share. No wonder the majority parties don't want to enact proportional representation. Time for a change, but Kenney won't make it happen. Trudeau said he would, and didn't.

So, the UCP winning. Gag. I simply don't believe their economic platform. Their idea of revoking the carbon tax is shortsighted and will cost Alberta money because the Federal one will take effect. Sure JK says he'll sue, but he'll lose. He's promised to do a lot of fighting, but fighting is usually counterproductive. Something about catching more flies with honey than vinegar.

I don't think he'll get any further down the pipeline road than the NDP did, and may well go backwards. Rolling back the minimum wage to benefit business is just cruel. A business that needs to be subsidized by someone making minimum wage deserves to go under. Those wages affect everybody, so there's no competitive advantage to one or another business. Learn to run it better.

Don't get me started on his view of social policy. Just don't.

One of the few times I wished I had a bigger lens.

Driftwood of the Day
Somewhere along Napier Beach, March 21 I started with looking for composition in driftwood, (complete with Linda on a bike photo if you missed it) to finding texture and contrast and small stones with the driftwood. On the driftwood. Embedded in the driftwood. Sometimes playfully arranged by another human, which you'll see in a while, but not by me. All of these are as I found them. Sometimes I found faces in the driftwood. I discovered I was noticing more by looking for details.

1 comment:

  1. I guess Kenney has about a year of blaming the evil commie witch, and then I hope he will be held responsible for the wreckage I fear. I guess I am not a true Albertan because I have not embraced the multi-tined fork of Alberta's cognitive dissonance. I want a really good wage but others should not have even a sub-standard wage. Another chestnut is: I want services but I don't want to pay for them. Ah well democracy's not great but given the alternatives it's the best we have come up with (apologies to someone for the mangled quote). I'll have 2 please. Cheers, Sean


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