
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Borg ear glasses revisited

Meat cooking on the BBQ hisses. I hadn't known that. Why? Because I wore my hearing aids for the first time while running the BBQ.

Let me back up a bit. I get the hearing aids about 5 years ago, and wore them regularly at work. Then I spent more time not at work, and didn't wear them. Mostly at home I can hear what I need to hear, and wearing them outside annoyed me. I didn't even take them to New Zealand.

When I got back I had a hearing test.  My hearing had degraded a bit more, all at the high end. Then when she found out I wasn't wearing them, she was ever so nice as she gave me a firm talking to. She reminded me that my brain will forget how to hear the higher sounds, and it will be gone for good. Asked why I didn't wear them. I explained the hiss setting made the tinnitus worse, and annoyed me.

Well, all I had to do was ask. She fixed that. Now I wear them more. My keys jingle again. The water from the faucet has a tinkle I'd forgotten. Plus the BBQ hiss. The downside is a noisy office.

Unless I'm very fortunate, glasses and hearing aids are just the start. There's been a few injured times where a cane would have been handy, and I'm not going to be terribly surprised if I end up buying a nice one. I've been on crutches ones for a short time, hopefully never again. Medication is a form of aid as well, and so far that's all been short term. Let's hope that continues.

They say everyone gets cataracts sooner or later. Linda is sooner, I'm later.

One of my friends spends significant amounts of time in a powered wheelchair, and sometimes drags around an oxygen bottle. That's a pretty significant impediment to an active life, and I'd like to avoid that. Still, if that's what it takes, I'd learn to cope.

So what photo goes with this? Hmmm. None of them. Oh well. Here we are in Dunedin. The railway station is amazing!

Lots of gardens. These are Glennfalloch Gardens, just outside of town on the Otago Peninsula. Lots of paths, some of them overgrown and boggy.

I liked the one flower in a sea of green.

Tree bark texture can be amazing.

Capturing this blue was brutal! There had to be 2 dozen shots with different settings before I was happy.

Driftwood of the Day
If you see pebbles, then it's Napier Beach, or the Westshore beach immediately north of Napier. If you see sand, there's any number of beaches it could be. If you're curious, ask. It started as composition practice, and developed from there.


  1. The railway station is stunning, and makes for an interesting gateway to today's enjoyable set. Driftwood question. Are we seeing them in the order they were shot? Driftwood Suggestion: I am wondering if you have thought of presenting an occasional review of driftwood shown so far (possibly on your other blog)? Cheers, Sean

    1. The driftwood photos that occasionally appeared during the trip and perhaps shortly after might have been taken at any time during the trip. The Driftwood of the Day feature is strictly in the order they were taken, provided they had not been seen on the blog before. It's possible I goofed on my tagging so that a few may have appeared twice. Some look really similar.

      I have indeed thought of putting the best of the driftwood in a feature on my other blog. And the best of the murals, many of which are not blogged, and the best of what I think of as a 'one tree' feature, most of which are not blogged.


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