
Saturday, June 1, 2024

May Image of the Month

Out of the dozen finalists this month, nine are long exposures, on film, in black and white.  Two of them are really similar, just with somewhat different exposure times. What I can I say? I was in a mood, and I'm not sure it's over yet. For those that want to know, the film is Delta 100. For the curious, the other two are outtakes of Michelle during our recent scouting expedition, and a garden tulip.

2nd Runner Up
I was out for a stroll along the Bow River when I saw this. The first challenge was to wait for a mom and kid to get out of the scene. The kid wanted their photo taken. Eventually they moved on. The other challenge is that the light kept changing from passing clouds. My thought was to catch both the ripples and reflections from the branch in the water. At least the reflections worked out, but the ripples are mostly smoothed out. About a 3 minute exposure.

1st Runner Up
A stroll along Fish Creek found this beaver lodge and dam. There wasn't much choice of places to set up the tripod. There's a similar one to this with a shorter exposure time. This was about 5 minutes.

Image of the Month
This is the view from Fish Creek near Bridge 9, looking west. I liked the view and wanted to finish the roll. As I look at it more I like the tangle of grass and branches in the foreground, the creek with the reflections leading into the scene, with the trees and moody clouds as a background. About a 3 minute exposure.

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