
Friday, May 31, 2024

Flowery Friday 1

Throughout April and May I was thinking that Calgary liked spring so much it did it over again. And again and again, and then again some more. As mentioned in the garden tour the other day, we had frost right into the last week of May. That puts a damper on putting plants in the ground, but Linda persisted.

These photos were taken before mid May. Flower people are not going to be surprised at any of these.










Some recent photos at random, just because.

10. Just about my all time favourite treat. You will never guess where I found the best commercially baked date squares. The  bakery in the Winks gas station in, (wait for it) Whitecourt.

11. A recent view of downtown, not quite so moody as the film one below. 

12. And a serendipity from a view of downtown, from way back in 2016.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

And a Yukon aurora that showed up as the serendipity to the NZ driftwood. 

Film (new)
A moody look at downtown.

Michelle X2
We were trying to get a double exposure of us beside each other, but we didn't quite get the spacing right.

Michelle loved that picnic table stage.

And Celina, doing what she does best.

And a serendipity from August 2016. I normally can recognize my photos and recall the circumstances. But not this time. Later it came to me. It was during an evening walk with Neil Zeller when he was still doing his informal evening photo walks.

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