
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

It's a blur just now

The world, that is. So much, all at the same time. It's a good thing I trust the calendar app to tell me what to do, and when to do it. There's always something. I go and try to be in the moment, and enjoy whatever it is. Sometimes that's easy, like photographing the kid's circus camp for Green Fools.  At least one of the kids is always doing something interesting, and some of the kids are amazingly photogenic. That makes for a lot of pictures. 

One girl asked if photography was hard. I told her that sometimes it was, but today wasn't, but it was editing that was the hard part. She is interested in photography, and asked how a 'real' camera worked. Considering this kid hauled her body weight up the silks to the rafters, I figured it was safe to let her hold the camera and take a few shots. The only real problem is that her hands weren't quite big enough to reach both the back button focus and the shutter button.

Plus the first race day in a long time. I can show you those, if you're interested. There's at least a few good race photos there. Go here and look for the run bike run link. 

Plus a presentation to local seniors in a few hours. They liked the New Zealand presentation I gave them, and asked for more. They get Yukon photos today.

Don't get me started on Facebook and political memes. The stupidity is beyond belief. Just one example, from a UCP supporter. "The pandemic is over, back to normal. How dare Trudeau call an election during a pandemic!" Practically in the same breath. So I may bail on Facebook again till after the election. Which, if you don't like how the Liberals have been governing the last not quite 2 years, you should be happy to see an election so you can vote them out. Enough, my blood pressure alert system is starting to beep.

Linda's garden is doing really well. I think the plants like the heat, but don't know what they think of the constant smoke. At least we got some rain last night. This was taken about 7:30 am on Sunday, when the sun just became visible. No, I didn't do any special editing. This is what it looked like. I'm glad I wasn't racing in that murk.

Here's the newest lilies, looking out to see what's there.

Of the Day







1 comment:

  1. Love the dragon fly shots, Keith. Wow! And I share your frustration with CPC supporters. Sucking and blowing par excellence. Jealous of your photo adventures. Glad you and your camera have been so busy lately. Good for the soul.


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