
Friday, August 20, 2021

A semi-frantic Flowery Friday

 Full disclosure here. As I start this, it's Thursday morning.  The presentation went really well, aside from the projector being fussy. One of Linda's sisters is in town for a brief visit, so the device recharging table had to be moved downstairs. There was community association stuff. More blur. 

I'm all prepped and ready to go for another day of circus kid camp photography today (today as I write, yesterday as you read), and tonight I'll need to prep for a several day photo excursion with buddies to explore Southern Alberta, from Writing on Stone to Waterton. It'll be fun! 

It's a safe bet that Thursday evening the computer will be churning away, doing the initial processing of somewhere between 1500 and 2000 kid camp photos. As it turns out, I took more than 3000. This was a great batch of kids! One of the kids was a repeat from an earlier camp,  so she was a total pro. Plus she brought two buddies that were on a cheerleading team with her. They put on quite a show, leading to what is going to be a very tough selection process. There are many shots of two of them trying to do cartwheels while twirling the weighted silk thingies, and I'll have to boil it down to one or two shots.

I won't get the selection done before leaving on the photo trip, which itself could generate anywhere between 50 and 5000 photos, depending on the weather. Let's just say sleep is not the highest item on the agenda on these trips. I'm pretty sure it's not even in the top 5.

But I know my readers need their flower fix. Let's see. Today we start with June 20 to 23, which gets us into the start of the peony show.

1. You get the start of the peonies.

2. And the start of the poppies.








10. And the star of the show!

I think what I'll do here is let the peonies and lilies show up one at a time in Of the Day, and let the other flowers have the Flowery Friday stage.

Of the Day
Driftwood. I love it when there's rocks involved in the driftwood shot.

One of the new roses, and a serendipity lily.


Bee, but first a serendipity sunrise from October 2017.


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