
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The cats have the right idea

The plan was to be swimming now. Yes, right now, swimming. Then other stuff on the way home. But.

It is colder than minus WTF out there just now. Our back yard thermometer says minus 37, and it doesn't really matter if that's F or C. For some people it's a great big F. Just saying.

I had a bit of trouble going to sleep last night so I was up reading, then to bed, and then no desire to get out of bed this morning. Such is retired life. I can swim later in the day if I still want. Or do a spin training session, if I remember how.

Like I said, the cats have the right idea how to deal with it.

Just lately I've been rereading some older books from our library downstairs. I'd finished Good Omens and had the uncomfortable feeling that either I was getting better at predicting what was coming next, or I'd read it a long time ago. It came out in 1990 so that's entirely possible. Then it was into Empire of Lies, but I bogged down. Time travel novels are complicated enough, and this one included travels across different time lines in addition to back and forth. Plus it's a one man striving against shadowy foes to do something, which doesn't really turn my crank. And plus it was set at least partially in the Ottoman Empire where they took Vienna, and then continued to expand. I got lost and gave up.

No more on tap from the library, so some older books. Some of my blog readers might find it odd, but I'm a big fan of the Georgette Heyer Regency Romances. My writer within loves her command of the language, sparkling dialogue, and wonderful place setting. Yes, of course all the main characters are white, typically extraordinarily rich (with some exceptions) in comparison to what we know of the living conditions then, and there's a lot of societal assumptions about the place of women. I regret that her estate has not permitted the novels to be made into movies and introduce them to a wider audience. Not Hollywood, of course, BBC.

There are some DVD's on the go as well. We finished Dexter seasons one to four, and that was a bit of a slog. The plot holes were getting to be too much for me. Even though one of my favourite actors is in season 5 as one of the main bad guys, I don't think I'll watch it. Lots of people I know raved about the show, but I don't really see what the attraction was.

Linda found Whispering Pines, based on a Blake Crouch novel. We watched the first episode, but I'm not sure I'll go on. Its another one man against shadowy enemies to find the truth where nothing is as it seems. There haven't been any fleets of black vehicles going too fast all in a tight convoy yet, but I have every reason to expect it. Yawn.

As a treat for you, here is the oldest unblogged photo. There's only another 499 edited photos from the last year that have not made it onto the blog for whatever reason. This is from the steampunk museum in Omaru. Such a fun place.

Deadwood of the Day

In the serendipity department, same file number gets you a bee! A reminder that it once was warm, and should be again. I hope the little bees are warm in their hive. This is from the summer of 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. I may check out Georgette Heyer. I've been thinking I should give romance novels another chance since I have several friends who write them. Love the kitty photo, of course, and that bee pic is terrific! Personally, I might have cropped it to put the bee to one side a bit more but that's just me. Too bad you live so far away. Think you'd really enjoy our local photo club.


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