
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Off to a good start

Here we are, a little over two weeks into the new year. Only 7 blog posts, which by last year's standards would have me ashamed of myself. But I'm happy, because I haven't had much to say.

However it has been a good start to the year. I had one interesting photo project that has the client happy so far, even if it did take much longer than anyone anticipated to change costumes. Playing with studio lights to get the effect they wanted was fun, interesting, and a learning experience. I'll be doing more for them later this month.

I played with another experiment the other morning, using the pre-dawn, barely post-coffee, minus WTF outside darkness. It was a good step forward, and the resulting couple photos are along the road to what I want, but not quite there yet. You'll just have to wait in patience till I do get it right.

My buddies at Tri It Multisport have several races they want me to photograph for them: The Get Shit Done race, Wild Rose Triathlon, and the Mahogany Swim Run. Feel free to show up and cheer, I'll take your photo too. I've done photos for the triathlon several times now, and it's always great to see so many women achieving their goals. The other two races were new to me last year, and I'm looking forward to doing them better this year.

What might be my big project of the year is being pitched to me. There's still some details to be flanged up, but it seems to be promising so far.

Yes, it's still even colder than minus WTF. So a beach photo from NZ for you.

Deadwood of the Day

In the serendipity department, this one is from November 2016. As you'll recall, that is shortly after I started doing all this. I think this is taken from Ogden Road, and it's part of the plant I used to work in. What was a calm field when I was there, is a construction zone for the photo, and is a construction as of the last time I drove past there. The whole thing is a construction zone, near as I can tell. I'd love to get a tour now, complete with camera equipment of course.

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