
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

morning wide angle panorama

Some days you see the potential, and you scuttle to get the coffee ready. I had just enough time to pour a cup, put a silicone oven mitt on it to keep it warm, and hustle out.

Now, the interesting thing was that off to the east there was a nice orange glow on the horizon, but off to the west the clouds were lighting up wonderfully! I still had the crop sensor wide angle lens on the camera, and got this panorama.

A couple of the shots looked a bit like the chessboard in the sky, but not as clearly as a few weeks ago.

It wasn't even cold out, but coming back to a hot coffee ready to drink was nice. The day was nice enough to run in shorts and a tech shirt, though my legs felt a bit clunky about the whole thing. One of my buddies took her bike and spin trainer outside and rode in the fresh air for 4 hours. At least you don't need a fan blowing stale air on you to stay cool. You never know with Calgary weather. We've got a few more days of it. Maybe tomorrow I'll get on my hybrid and go for a ride, see what photos I can find.

This coming Saturday is library day! A group of photographers get in our new central library early, before the general public. There are a few shots I want to get, and it will be nice to only have a few other people around. Other people that are mindful of getting in someone else's shot. This should be fun. Hope to have my shots up on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done and I look forward to the library photos. Cheers, Sean


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