
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

forgot a title, and it was so good

Firstly, my bow to the season.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled "Bah, Humbug!"

Oh, I guess, while I'm at it, here's another. Corrupted, that's what's happened to me. This sculpture appeared today on Stephen Avenue.

Ok now, Bah Humbug for real now.

I did get on my bike. One hour. Easy warmup, then some brief intense bits trying to spin easily and smoothly up to 120 rpm pushing progressively harder gears. Cool down.

Finished season one of Sanctuary. Not much of a cliff hanger though. I cheered when the Ashly character was captured and hoped for torture, but no. She annoys me. I'll start season 2 in the hope she stays dead.

It was 10 C (50 F) here today, briefly but by tomorrow afternoon it's going to be about -18 C (zero F) or so.

Ok, one last photo to make you smile. Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? They are in the planters at City Hall. I think they're real.


  1. I love Christmas tree lights. That movie is so pretty! :)

  2. I think it's an orange plant. But, don't hold me to it...

  3. I was looking at it as I was trying to walk down the shallow steps in front of City Hall. Then I'm at the lights waiting for the walk signal and realized I had time for a short video. In person the falling lights are assemblies of smaller lights but you can't make them out on the video.

  4. Smartass. lol. Some of them were other colours, I think one was purple.

  5. Oh, the plant: Bromeliads. They're a tropical plant, and not terribly expensive to have. My friend really wanted some, but we never found out definitively if they were poisonous to cats or not (she has cats that eat ALL houseplants that cross their path), so she skipped buying one.

    It got cold here this week, being about negative three the other morning when I got up. That's Fahrenheit. We were colder than Billings, Montana! I hate it when it's that cold because working out outside triggers my asthma when it's like that. Very sad.

  6. Thanks! We suspect our cat nuzzles the plants every now and then, but nothing more. -3 F isn't bad. Follow my blog roll to the Blonde Runs, if you haven't already, and read about her runs in cold weather. Bummer about the cold weather asthma.


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