
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Drunken flesh-eating yoga

I supplied the drunken part. There was an after work social for my contracting company. 350 people were confirmed. It was pretty full. I swilled down two drinks chatting with buddies, then headed out. Linda had been waiting at the library, and she drove. I was in no state.

There was just time to nibble a quick snack, change, and head out to yoga, over the wails of a cat convinced she was being abandoned forever. As our yoga instructor was taking off her jacket we noticed a huge, enormous, bulging bandage on one shoulder. There had been some issue and a medical practitioner had been digging in there with a spoon or something to get it out. We all sort of assumed it was flesh eating disease or something like it. Personally, I was waiting for a tentacle to spring out and start doing the various poses. No such luck.

Fortunately there was no really tough balance poses. Just as well. After class I felt great. Time for bed, it's ben a long day.

One of my readers noted an issue with disqus about replies and email. Maybe I missed it, but there is now a way for readers to subscribe to email on comments, so they get all replies to their comment. Since I'm now replying to all comments, you will find out what I said. How cool is that?


  1. Hmmm drunken yoga- I think that would be hazardous to my health! The mental picture is quite entertaining however.

  2. I was a bit worried about the deep forward bends and back up we were doing, but it was all good. I think I had 3 quick naps during legs up the wall, meditation, and savasana.

  3. Wow, that sounds dangerous! I'm sure I would end up pulling something awkward if I tried that. I will stick to hydrating with beer for running, I think. OK, not EVERY time. Just occasionally. And it's home brew, so it's actually almost a little bit good for me.

  4. Not almost. IS! As is wine, which is usually my tipple. Though maybe not right before a big workout. I admit I was a little bit worried about the yoga. But I napped in the car, so that helped.

  5. I hope the instructor's shoulder is ok! Drunk yoga...I can just imagine! LOL!

  6. Even with the shoulder, she was doing her yoga better than I did when I started. No doubt next week we will hear more of the story.

  7. Drunken yoga sounds HILARIOUS. And tumbly. I dont have good balance when I'm sober.

  8. Thanks for dropping by and commenting! I'm just glad I wasn't in the same state for last night's yoga. Lots more balance poses. But then, several drinks to the wind you don't care so much about how you look.


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