
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Katie ups the ante on core

Today was a great brick session with Katie. I was on the bike two hours, since I started a bit early. Lots of cadence work, spinning our brains out and buns off. I wasn't feeling as smooth as usual. There was some weird muscle twitches going on, even after a long warmup, but they gradually went away. Wasn't happy with some of the really high spin rates though.

Last week the run herd left me in their dust. This week I managed to keep the slowest of them in sight, and was gradually catching up at the very end. By my standards this was a very fast run, with my heart rate in the high 140's for most of it, and edging up into the 150's towards the end. My breathing and legs were good. I managed to make it out to Angela's and back (about 5.4 K or so) in just over 30 minutes, with some easy run at the very end. Pretty damn good for for me. Katie, being part gazelle, got back to unlock the door, had a snack, set up the core stuff, and who knows what else, then came back to find me and make sure I hadn't keeled over into the river.  

For a while it felt like I was actually running, so I'm feeling pretty happy. Plus, it was a totally gorgeous day for a run along the river. Nice and crisp, though at first the head wind made me regret a bit not wearing a jacket. Coming back was with the wind and it felt just right. I saw several people out in shorts, but it's just a bit too cool for that, especially coming from a hot and sweaty spin class.

Then, with an evil grin, she got us started on the core workout. Very tough today. We did a mountain climbing thing, lots of plank, lots of pushups, some squats, and a variant of pushups that was just brutal. Nobody threw up, but I was beginning to regret the post run snack.

Weekly Summary
Swim 2.0 hrs
Bike 5.0 hrs
Run 1.66 hrs
Walk 2.16 hrs
Core 3.0 hrs
Total 13.75 hrs


  1. Nice weekly stats, brother.

    Except for the big goose-egg on the vomiting.

    Try to get that up to at least one time this week.

  2. seriously hitting your body... good stuff this!

  3. Watch out Keith -- you'll be catching up to the other runners soon....:) :) :)

  4. Great job on the brick (and core). I'm trying to motivate myself to go to yoga tonight. After reading this, I will go.


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