
Monday, October 26, 2009

First massage in 2 months - I whimpered

The local high school is empty between 7 and 8 in the morning. That's because every frigging one of those kids is in the pool, and all of them are getting paid by the volume of water they splash out of the pool. I've had less choppy starts for tri races. Plus, I was sharing my lane with 4 other people. At least all but one of them could swim, and he, jerk that he is, could mostly keep up because he was wearing fins. 

For a while I didn't think I'd be a able to get in the drill and non freestyle laps, but it all worked out well for a 45 minute swim. No flip turn practice, the pool was just too full. There I am, at the end of the pool, nearly done, when the person asking to join the lane looks at me funny, and asked if I'd been on the trainer at Try-It on Sunday. It was Shirley, who had been a couple down from me. She recognized the mustache! 

Shortly after the swim I went in for a massage. The local Safeway mall has a small clinic that does massage, chiropractic, and I think acupuncture. It's sort of hidden back there and I had no idea they'd been there for more than 10 years. I told Dana about my training, and to work me over pretty hard. Hams, calves, shoulders. She also added in my arms, and it turns out the sorest places were the forearm muscles that flex your hands back, and rotate your hands. Ouch. All of it was good, and I'll be going back. It's not quite as nice as getting it done at home, but we can't have everything.

Then into the new office to audit a course. I got the trick chair, the one that slowly sank down and down. It was only for a half day, and for tomorrow, I'll get a better one. Looking good so far.


  1. Wow, That swim practice does not sound fun. But, you are a local celebrity. That's pretty awesome. Knock over any chump who tries to deny you of a good chair tomorrow!

  2. every frigging one of those kids is in the pool, ... getting paid by the volume of water they splash out of the pool. I've had less choppy starts for tri races. Plus, I was sharing my lane with 4 other people. At least all but one of them could swim, and he, jerk that he is, could mostly keep up because he was wearing fins.

    ZOMG, till I started reading this blog I would have sworn there was no such thing as a Kanadian Kurmudgeon!

    Keef the Kanadian Kurmudgeon!

  3. Keef the Kanadian Kurmudgeon, I love that!!!

    I was at the pool with a gagillion HS kids this morning too. Screw the pool, the locker room is a freakin nightmare.

  4. I am impressed you could swim through all those kids. I would have gotten mad and left (probably). Love great massages too - sounds like you needed it.


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