
Friday, January 24, 2025

The one week chip

It's actually been a busy week. There's lots going on in the community association. Lots and lots. In a couple senses that's good. Much of what I'm involved in is behind the scenes, involving lots of reading and thinking about words, but also attending a surprising number of meetings. Some of them I run, and those move along briskly. Some I don't, and let's just say they are not as brisk. 

One of the bits of good news is that much to our surprise, the City has delayed the introduction of the current Calgary Plan. I had expected another steamrollering example of not listening. It isn't just me, or our community association, there were lots of other voices as well.

Which brings me to Facebook. Instead of looking at a computer and opening Facebook, there's usually something else to open and actually do something productive. That feels good. One of the things we're doing for the community association will involve setting up things in Facebook, and so far I've managed to avoid getting dragged into that. 

Not missing Facebook, though the habit to look at it in odd moments is strong. I'm also trying to cut back on news, since most of it is the ongoing crash of a fully loaded circus train run by idiots in the middle of fully avoidable stupidity. I admit to a certain fascination, kind of like watching one of those fail army videos where you just know something is going to go bad that wouldn't have happened if anyone involved had thought anything beyond 'hold my beer.'

Some of you might be wondering why I write out community association, rather than use the initials CA. That comes back to my so-called career in oil and gas, where CA meant corrosion allowance. Some habits are hard to break.

From a few days ago, after a walk in the cold weather, wearing a really warm coat. Plus the speed and exertion left her sweaty but beautiful.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)


Linda and Newfoundland

Polar bears

Why ever didn't I publish this, and maybe I did

90 days, or so ago

1 comment:

  1. Well I am not as far behind in my comments as I thought. Congratulations on getting your 1 week chip (even if you are the one giving it to yourself). Yes, FB makes it easy to have our minds vacuumed. It is not a conspiracy to make us stupid - it is just business to them. Anything we can do to keep our creativity alive and fed, and away from vacuum cleaners is a good thing.
    I really enjoy Linda's portrait. The polar bear just being a polar bear is also rewarding. Cheers, Sean


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