
Friday, December 13, 2024

The end is in sight

The end of 2024. What were you thinking? Maybe I don't want to know.

On a macro level, this has been a shitty year. There's a Churchill quote, “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” I'm pretty sure a fairly small group of people have decided they need to test this for themselves, and have convinced enough others to vote that way by flooding the zone with shit. And it isn't even smart shit that one could be forgiven for falling for. It's all so stupid that you'd think a smart kid could see through it. The rest of us are horrified.

It doesn't help that elected governments are doing shitty jobs at running things. I almost don't know where to start.

Calgary city Council. During the longest public hearing ever, council demonstrated it's skill at not listening to more than 700 speakers and not reading many more written submissions. I blogged about it here. More recently, the City ended municipal grant funding to community associations on essentially no notice. They say they'll make up new rules, to be announced next April, and they think we can apply in the summer, and it will take 8 to 10 weeks for anyone to learn if their grant application is accepted. In the mean time the contractor quote is out of date, and it's winter, so outdoor work will be put off till spring. If there was any urgency to the repairs, like a failing furnace, the community association would have to eat the cost, and cannot apply retroactively. I'm pretty sure some manager looked at their budget and panicked. I'm also pretty sure some community associations got screwed over because they were preparing a grant submission and were cut off.

Alberta Provincial Government. Danielle Smith was a failed and disgraced politician running a talk radio show. I'm convinced she ran for Premier to increase her audience and is secretly surprised she won. The number one rule for a radio show host is to do anything to avoid dead air time. And that's what she is doing, spouting all sorts of shit to stir up controversy and to make her tiny base happy. The Green Line fiasco is a recent example. They sort of cancelled their funding a month after saying they were supporting it. Today their pet engineering company tasked with finding a different line than the one they had approved, released their report to the media, but not to Council. Another recent example is a border security force that allows sheriffs to arrest people on their own property without a warrant, within 2 miles of the US border, just to appease a cognitively deficient felon who isn't even in office yet.

Which leads me to our federal government. National borders are a federal responsibility. Smith gets snarky about the feds stepping into areas of provincial responsibility. What's that line about sauce for the goose? 

Here in Alberta one needs to consider which way the wind is blowing if you want to say "Trudeau" in anything but pejorative terms, because lots of people reflexively spit on hearing that name. Then there is a volley of abuse citing real and imagined offences dating back 45 years. If the Trudeau's, senior and junior, could have done all that they must have super villain powers. Again, the most recent example of stupidity is the temporary change to the GST. Or not ending the postal strike. I could easily believe there are more recent examples. 

The one that personally gets my goat is reneging on the promise to bring in a form of proportional representation. Not that the version he wanted was much better than first past the post, but starting the discussion could have led to better results. I blogged about that, and other political stuff, here

Don't get me started on America. I had to stop reading their news, it's bad for my blood pressure and peace of mind. I've been saying for a while that it's a failing empire, and I believe that when historians analyze when it went over the edge for good, they'll draw the line for about now.

For me personally, it's been a good year. Retirement in general is great. We had a couple lovely trips, and have a couple more teed up for 2025, with one more in the planning stages. Not that airline travel is any fun, and has been getting worse for years. It's almost like the airlines are actively thinking of ways to piss off their customers. They charge extortionate rates for checked bags, and are then surprised that people try to bring everything as carry on? Are they stupid? Now we go through the rigamarole of sizing bags at the gate, which slows things down, and makes everybody unhappy. Well, except that one Air Canada gate agent. I think she was enjoying telling that one idiot that his oversize bag was not going in the cabin. His choice was to check the bag, or not go.

The trip to Churchill was an exception, but that was a charter. 

Those who are following along on the blog, awaiting with bated breath for every new posting, are probably pretty disappointed in me. This year has continued the downward trend since the high point of 2019. It looks like 2025 is going to have the fewest blog posts ever. I suspect it will end up being less than 2x a week. That's well down from more than once a day at peak, and down lots from the overall average of a blog every 1.5 days or so. I am unrepentant. It is what it is, and if I'm silent, it means I have nothing to say.

Oh, and I closed my Vero account. As far as I know nobody was looking at it, and they've opened it up to content pirates. Of course, they say it's in the guise of allowing creators to monetize their work to followers. Not what I'm interested in. Goodbye. Social media is pissing me off more and more. I'm trying not to scroll Facebook, and go directly to the groups I'm part of. No advertising there. Yet. The messenger thingie is telling me the browser I use isn't supported, so I'm not seeing all their "features". Which probably means missing emojis. Which is fine. 

Yes, I've begun to think about Image of the Year. I anticipate a good dither.

You'll hear more about this, but 31 people from the SAIT darkroom classes are signed up to exhibit a print at the YYC Exposure Festival at cSpace in February. Yes, me included. I've got a couple on the short list to display, and might well print something I like even better between now and then.

Since this post has been reflective, in some ways, I think it amusing to put some reflection photos in it. These are from the trip to Elk Lakes with Sean.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Film I found this couple sketching the Alberta Distillery towers behind me. Behind them is the Michelle scrapyard photo session.


Newfoundland One of the many, many sets of trail stairs we climbed.

Polar bears

Why ever didn't I publish this, and maybe I did

1 comment:

  1. So what is so special about 17 that it gets to be in two posts back to back?
    2024 was also a good year for me, and as always it was a pleasure to share some of the wanderings with you.
    One of my lessons from this year is to consume less news. The news does not help me; it contributes nothing to the general good; consuming it feeds the beast of fear, paranoia, and a hell-in-a-hand-basket mentality.
    My actual experience is that given half a chance and avoiding some conversations most people are pleasant and just bumbling through their days.
    Cheers, Sean


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