
Sunday, November 17, 2024

Dark and bright

 That messed with my brain a little. I was looking at my 'not blogged in 90 day's' folder, wondering what I should blog about, when I saw this one at the top.


I remember taking that photo, and why, but couldn't believe it had been 3 months. I counted on my fingers and checked the date and I was right. Not even two months. It's just that there isn't anything older, so that's why it showed up as it did. 

It's a companion photo to these three.




Why? One of the first things we did in the SAIT dark room class was to shine the enlarger light through an object onto the paper, rather than through a negative. It's kind of a cool idea, and one of our classmates does amazing images of flowers like this. I thought doing this object would be fun. The actual image was interesting, kind of. Then later I did a print from the negative of the one immediately above this para. It turned out ok as well, but for whatever reason I printed it fairly small. I think I was still figuring out margins then. Maybe I'll have another go at it later.

In other news the polar bear book arrived and I'm really pleased!

Yes, you say, but what about other photos? What else have you been up to? Friday Sean and I went for a ramble in Fish Creek. No photos from that yet, because I only took film photos and haven't developed yet. Linda is deep into the seasonal decorations and that takes up the space I use for film developing and the dark room process. Once she's done, I'll get back at it. There will also be photos of the decorations.

The Nov 11 late afternoon the light was really interesting. I had the new 70-200 lens on the camera, so I took it for a walk around the immediate neighbourhood.



7. These flowers are still hanging in there, sort of.





12. Home sweet home.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

HP5 in Fish Creek, taken with the idea of using it in the SAIT dark room class.

Linda from 2016


Polar bears

Why ever didn't I publish this, and maybe I did

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