
Sunday, September 1, 2024

August Image of the Month

August was a bit of a low key month, recovering from a month of constant travel and new sights in Newfoundland. It sure disappeared in a hurry.

Some of you know I like doing photography for some of the events Richelle puts on, and Wild Rose Triathlon happened in August. That was lots of photos, but they don't qualify for IotM. If you really want to, you can see them here

There were some garden photos because even with the water restrictions and heat, the flowers are still pretty and photogenic.

In other news, I'm closing in on 4000 blog posts. Any suggestions for what you'd like to see? Feel free to leave a comment, or email me keith at nucleus dot com. That address also works if you're somehow new to the blog and want to get email notifications of when I blog a new post because you want to follow along.

The big photo event for me was Sean and I doing a ramble to Waterton Park, and Lundbreck Falls. I took the digital camera of course, but my main interest was finding photos for the big film camera, and hoping to find long exposures. Which I did.

Runner Up
One of the little falls in Cameron Creek, well upstream of the townsite and the more famous waterfall that has been photographed to death and beyond.

Image of the Month
Lundbreck Falls. I'd done some closer views of the falls themselves, and had one frame left to go. I was walking around looking for other compositions when I found that little rock on the flat rock in the stream. I started to wonder if I could get it and the falls in frame, and if so, would it be in focus. The anxiety about the whole thing revolved around two of the tripod legs being in the water, and one of my legs almost in the water. Then a family showed up just on the edge of the frame while the shutter was open. Fortunately they kept moving and thus do not appear on film.


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