
Friday, August 2, 2024

The only ocean boat tour

Everywhere you go there are signs advertising boat tours. Whales, puffins, eagles, icebergs, and dolphins are common attractions. I did not see a tour advertising a kraken. Pity.

Except we knew there were no icebergs this year, for when we were visiting. We also knew that seeing whales is total chance. We were hopeful for our tour because the people getting off just before us were gushing about seeing a whale.

How can you go to NL and not do a boat tour? So we signed up for the Bay Bulls tour, since it had been recommended to us. What did we get? A bazillion birds. At least, that's where I stopped counting. I've never seen so many birds in one place.

1. The Bay Bulls mermaid.

2. Linda, awaiting the tour. But you knew that already.

3. Lots of interesting rocks to look at.

4. Plants grow everywhere here. More on this in future blogs.

5. Some of the birds on interesting rocks.

6. A flying puffin. They are tough to catch because they're small and very fast.

7. There's a lot of sloped rock layers disappearing into the sea. Plus a tiny fraction of the bazillion birds. I was watching another photographer with a huge lens, I think a 150-600 mm working the birds. Except they were so close he was having trouble focusing, especially with the boat dancing around in the swell.

8. Thinking of Susi for this one. She knows why.

9. One of the bucket list photos is the fishing scene reflected in calm waters. Almost, but not quite.


We talked about doing another boat tour in Twillingate, or in St Anthony, but didn't actually do it. One of the considerations for one of the trips is that they dress you in an ocean survival suit, which was fine, but I was worried about the camera gear. I don't mind taking it out in light rain, or mist, and a bit of ocean spray on the beach is fine, but actual over the gunwales spray seemed a bit much. The plastic bags I have in the event of heavy rain are a makeshift short term solution. 

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)


Film (new)



Another set of red chairs, somewhat precariously perched for a view of the passage into St John's harbour and a bit of the city. And yes, that boardwalk is etched into the side of the mountain and it's a long way down. You might get tired of me saying that, but it's true in a lot of places.

1 comment:

  1. We did the same boat tour when we there last. We managed to see a whale or two, but the birds made the biggest impression. On the same trip, we saw a bunch of whales playing off Cape Spear, which was fun. That hike around Signal Hill is one of my favourites. Scary in spots but beautiful!


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