
Friday, August 16, 2024

Rock related art

One of the rules is; when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. In NL, the next rule seems to be; if you live where there's lots of rocks, use them to make art. 

1. A clothesline painted onto rocks near Smith's Harbour. We found them while looking for Limestone Park. The instructions to drive to the end of the dead end road and you'll see a sign for the park, made the assumption we'd know which dead end road. There were a lot of them for such a small place.



4. I wonder if a child stacked these up as practice for building bigger ones.

5. Bigger ones like these. This is the beach at Cox's Cove, where someone built these lovely sculptures. Or maybe the day before they had a sculpture making contest.




9. Or maybe the person just got better and better as they worked along the beach.

10. A garden and stone supplier at Pynn's Brook.





15. Painted rocks near Port aux Choix. These have something to do with the cover of the book. One of my regular readers knows why this amused me so much, even if the tongue doesn't have a tiny black dot in it.


17. I think this was on the beach part of the Coastal Trail, near Port Saunders. 

So how's the book simmering going, you ask? Fairly well. I've swapped a few photos, and I'm still musing about adding some photos. Not quite ready to hit the publish button yet.

It's been an interesting experience working on the book at the same time as working on the blog for the same trip. I keep looking at photos and asking myself, I thought I'd blogged this, and then realize I've booked it instead.  I'm not trying to create two lists of photos, one for the blog and one for the book, but it is complicating things. Maybe I should have blogged about the trip till I was tired of that, give it some time, and then work on the book. That's pretty much what happened with the other books.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (NL)


Film (new) Pissamere Falls in Terra Nova park.

Linda, a pose near the Citadel.

And me, posed on a nearby rock.


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