
Monday, July 29, 2024


Chugging along. I'm in the middle of editing the 3rd SD card, where the first pass gave me 350 images to work with out of 668. Lots of subtle repeats and tricky lighting during the Western Pond boat tour. The last pair of medium format film rolls are drying. The three 35 mm rolls have been developed and will be digitized tomorrow.

So it's been busy.

So there I was, up early, thinking about coffee in Brooklyn, (NL, not NY) when I looked outside. This was a grab the camera and run morning. Having some foggy reflection photos was on my bucket list for this trip, and this fit the bill perfectly. I walked up and down the road for maybe an hour as the mist shifted and the light changed. For a while I couldn't tell if it was my sleepy eyes that weren't focussing, or the camera.




4. I took lots of panorma photo series, hoping they would work out.

5. The red chairs are a bit of a cliche, but they will show up in a bunch of photos. 




Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Since you won't get a Newfoundland moose, (see below) you get a Yukon one. It's funny, they'd let us into a cage with three Lynx, but not a cage with a moose. Go figure. 

We weren't sure if the moose was mocking us or not.

Film (new)
Fish Creek, the water going from dark to light.


Linda heading down the hill from the Citadel to the walk we did around it. Lots of up and down.

This was at the MUN gardens. Linda loved them, and more will show up from there. But if there's one land animal Newfoundland is known for, it's moose. They figure there are about 110,000 of them, (although I don't have the faintest idea how they came up with that number), starting from a couple breeding pair a little over a century ago. No natural predators except humans, and they take about 20,000 a year. So many swamps and bogs, no wonder the moose love it. However, we didn't see one. The statue below is as close as we got. Moose burger is good. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG - the moose. Ron was born and raised in N. Ont (like north, northern Ont., not North Bay north!) and all I ever heard was 'there's lots of moose'. Years we drove the route from MB to Geraldton...and I saw lots of signs warning me of moose, but Then, years of driving back and forth from the East Coast, through Muskoka, North Bay, Cochrane and along HWY 11...lots of signs, no moose. I told Ron it was a tourist gimmick!!! Maybe NL is on to the same tourist gimmick!
    And the iconic Red Chairs...we even have them in B'water now!
    Love that first foggy pic <3


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