
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Amidst a flurry

No, not snow, not yet. As I write, it's a clear blue sky, and +18 according to our outside thermometer. That probably means it's about 15 or so, and the weather people say it's 16 at the airport. Tomorrow and Saturday are nice, and snow is forecast for Sunday. I think it's time to empty the water barrels and prep for winter.

The flurry is photo related. There was the Ontario trip with lots of family photos. A cousin of Linda's emailed and wanted some prints, which is so nice! I had to actually figure out how to do that, and think about prepping digital files for printing. I could blog about that, but won't.

Just before the Jasper trip there was a corporate photo session for a private client. We'd originally planned for the 5th, and had to push it back to the 10th. I was crossing my fingers and hoping for the trees to stay nice, and the weather be good. It was, and the photos turned out really well. They are choosing the ones they want. The next day it rained. I admit to not having an indoor backup plan, and neither did they. I suppose that's something I'll have to figure out. But we were really pleased at doing it outdoors. It was a fun session for all involved. Totally different than doing it in a studio space.

Then Jasper. Heading out in the rain, up the icefields parkway. Now, don't get the idea I'm complaining. The rain makes for nice photos in lots of ways, and the low clouds give a nice moody atmosphere that is different than the raw blue sunshine that's the backdrop to many mountain photos. Plus there was still lots of colour.

That was a 5 day, 4 night trip, and it all went really well. I've been chewing through the photos a day at a time, rather than doing them all in a giant orgy of editing that would kill my shoulders again. I've edited 250 photos so far, with one more day to go.

Then home again. Getting prints done. Meeting financial advisor for year end review and tax planning for next year. All is well. This whole tax planning, and planning for death is more complicated than I ever thought it could be. If you are not getting good advice about this, it can cost you big time. Get good advice. Write the effing will. We are in the process of updating ours.

Working on a landscape book for a private client. They would like to use it as a referral thank you and a gift for at least some of their clients. Some of the Jasper photos will certainly make it into this book.

Thinking about several other books as well. I just need to get some into the pipeline, ready for the next sale. Blurb had a great sale on while I was in Jasper and it killed me that I couldn't take advantage. If I'd had one in the pipeline I could have sent it in at a moment's notice, but I wasn't going to try to assemble a book that quickly, or on the road.

At the moment, I don't have a clue how to show you the 350 or so photos from Jasper, but I'm sure I'll think of something. In fact, the think of something motor just broke. The whole writing motor just broke. I went from writing this, to scrolling computer porn thinking about a new photo editing computer, to giving Celina a lap, finishing the Jasper editing, just about anything else.

So lets do some photos. Some parts of the Icefields Parkway.

A rock falling off the mountain did this, which is why they don't want people stopping avalanche zones.

Just down from that dent in the guardrail, this raven posed very nicely for us, almost certainly hoping we'd throw it some food.

If people stop at any one place on the parkway, it's for this. The tongue of the Columbia Icefield glacier.

One from the family trip, a good one of Linda.

Of the Day
Driftwood (NZ)

Driftwood (BC)




Film (new) One of my neighbours on Kodak Gold 200.

Film (old) Linda with a very cranky Nefertitti.

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