
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April Image of the Month (all new!)

Normally when I select Image of the Month, it's already been blogged, and you get to see it again. This time, unusually, none of the images have made the blog. I've been a lazy blogger lately.  All are film.

I've been using the big film camera to work on long exposures. Waterfalls are good for that. Sean and I headed out to Elbow Falls late afternoon on a mid-April Saturday. As expected, it had been really busy during the day, with cars parked a kilometre up the road from the lot, but the crowds were clearing out as we arrived. There were still lots of people near the main falls, and neither of us had been very far upstream, so we decided to do that.

I had a roll of Acros II black and white in the camera, and I'd brought along a couple rolls of Kodak Gold 200. We had lots of fun working the scene. Sean has posted several lovely photos on Facebook, but I don't think they've made it to his blog yet.

On the way home we stopped in Bragg Creek for dinner. We always have a great discussions, and they're even better lubricated with a bit of beer. 

2nd Runner Up

1st Runner Up

Image of the Month
It's really tough to aim and focus a range finder camera when it's on a low tripod, mounted on a rock, when there's not really any place to kneel nearby. But I really wanted to capture the foamy bubbly mineral blue water. I got the up and down right, but could have aimed slightly to the left. Still, the water colour and texture make the photo for me. It was worth getting one foot wet. 

One of my thoughts is to try to capture unique images, and part of that is film. But part of it is being willing to go places where others won't go, (keeping personal safety in mind, of course) so maybe I should just plan on getting wet feet, and bring a change of shoes and socks.


  1. Just catching up after returning from our camper travels. Your gardens are looking wonderful! Inspiring stuff. I look forward to more photos as the season goes on. I agree with your choice for image of the month. All three photos are mesmerizing to some extent but your first pick is really special. I found my eye moving all around the frame looking at the light on the rocks, smooth water, then back to the rocks. Well done!!

  2. Fine choice! The bottom right corner provides a very nice frame. Cheers, Sean


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