
Friday, October 14, 2022

No words, you figure out what each is


1 comment:

  1. From Sean:
    Blogger and my computer are having a momentary spat so here is my comment on:
    No words, you figure out what each is
    Shh – as usual – a lovely of-the-day set.
    1 – white peony with droplets – always a winner
    5 – painted petals -very nice
    6 – nice light in the centre and top. My eye finds the bottom triangle of road a little too dominant, and I get stuck there. Perhaps it could be darkened, and the centre slope brightened.
    8 – certainly one of the better ones in this ongoing series. I find the top part does not add to the image’s graphic intensity. Perhaps a 16x9 crop would help to strengthen the contrast between the strong horizontal line, and vertical sand waves in the foreground.
    Thanks for commenting Sean! Always food for thought in there. On 6, what I really wanted to do was stand on top of the van and catch the continuation of the road off to the right. I tweaked the road a bit, and that didn't seem to help. I tried a 9x16 crop to take out much of the bottom part of the road, and that seems to work better.
    On 8, you're correct. The white rocks or shells at the top of the image don't add anything. This is what comes from revisiting images.


Looking forward to reading your comment!