
Sunday, February 6, 2022

There's lots I don't want to blog about these days

I'm going to sound cranky here, but I'll try to get past it quick. The whole convoy nonsense. The planned Alberta relaxation of COVID restrictions that will drive up hospitalizations to yet another new peak. There is no slack in that system just now. But it's politics and Kenney's survival driving it, not actual medical data.

And advertising. It seems like the ads on the news and Facebook and other web pages are becoming more intrusive. There are days I'd like to ban the entire advertising industry. Manufacturers and the distribution channels would be restricted to actual factual statements, and sue their asses off if they lie. I still think Volkswagon should have been sued into bankruptcy for their gaming of the emissions testing, as a warning to others. 

The Olympics are upon us again. Yack. I'd like it if my browser had a filter that blocked any mention of the Olympics. One of my very first rants explains why. Nothing much has changed.

So what do I want to blog about? Well, there's a problem there. I've been having a bit of blogging writer's block. There's a bit of photographer's block as well, given the winter blah and kind of crappy light. Still, I've been out a few times along the Bow in places I haven't been for a while. Yesterday was between Bankside and Mallard Point. 

Outdoor photographers never really know what to expect for light. It can change fast, for the better or the worse. I had hopes, but mostly it didn't come through for me. Still, there were some interesting bits. 

1. There's some water and ice, of course.


3. Which means reflections if you can get to the right place. No, I didn't get my feet wet.

4. And a couple micro-landscapes, one regular and the pano version, just because.



7. I saw this one first from a distance going north, and made sure to find it again on the way back. I put more effort into editing this one than all the others, specifically trying to treat the back ground differently than the subject. What am I seeing? Some subterranean creature broaching the surface in search of prety. Or maybe just having fun.

Of the Day




Film, 3 tree shots that I don't think really worked out that well. I don't know what the streak of light in the last one is.

I don't know what the streak of light is.

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