
Thursday, October 7, 2021

The flowery survivors of Oct 7

Linda loves her garden. She freely admits she isn't really tough enough (my liver shifts in my chest a bit at that thought) to be a good gardener. She always wants to give the plants another chance, and to keep them around as long as possible. That it also gives the bees their last chance at a meal is something too.

That means from about Labour Day on she is watching the weather for the possibility of overnight frosts. She has many covers for the plants and will be out there trying to protect them as long as possible. But all good things come to an end, and today is it. Last night was -4 at least and there was lots of frost on the covers. She is putting the garden to bed for the winter and planting fall bulbs.

So here's the survivors, along with some pansies and other plants that aren't quite as photogenic.

I liked how the light caught the leaves of the red peony, even though it doesn't show up quite the same in the photo

In other news, it's been a sad little while for us with two deaths in the family. One was not a surprise, the other was. I've had a busy month or so with lots of community association stuff happening. Plus the several trips you've seen photos of if you've been following along. Plus a family shoot for a buddy, with a twist. I'd scoped out some nice locations in a park, and it turns out there is an unpleasant association for one of the family in the first place I was going to go. Good thing I scouted out several other locations, and we were all flexible. I think it worked out well, but have not heard back from them.

Thanksgiving is coming up, which is always a surprise for me for some reason. Long weekends don't mean anything to me any more, other than more traffic on the road, and the market was really crowded today. I'm really thankful for getting through all this COVID stuff (so far) without getting sick myself, or anyone I know well getting it. A few people have had to go get tested and came back negative. 

I'm getting a bit of perspective on ending a career. I said no to one job offer that I'd have jumped at in years past. The recruiters seem to be getting the message so the calls and emails have been dying off. I've been gradually pruning my Linked In profile contacts. Not sure what's going to happen as the wave of anti-vaxx dismissals ripple through the economy. Imagine being so locked into a world view you'd rather change your job than change your mind.

I'm planning to do another Flowery Friday, and I think I'll be able to do everything but the lilies and peonies. They'll continue to have their own of the day section. Hmmm. I'm just looking things over, and might have to do two Flowery Fridays. Check in tomorrow and find out.

Of the Day

I think all the flowers above qualify as flower of the day.





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