
Sunday, August 29, 2021

So, since the trip, I hear you asking

There I was, home Monday evening, with 2500 or so road trip photos. You got a blog with some of those photos last Tuesday. A Wednesday WCA event added another 150 or so. Then Thursday was a big day with another kid circus camp and 2200 photos. I'm past 11,000 photos for August.

As I explained to one of the camp kids, taking the photos is the easy part. Looking at them later, holding several of them in your head to decide which, if any, of a particular set should be edited, is the hard part. Once you have the final set to be edited identified, the actual editing is straightforward. It still took a couple days. 

Now I'm back to the last day of the road trip where we went to the Birds of Prey facility in Coaldale. Lets just say there's many close up photos of eagles and owls and I can't say no. I think I'll add them to the Of the Day feature.

Other than that, I have no idea where to start the blog today. Normally I wander along, doing my thing, and the blog almost writes itself. I'm wondering if I want to go into more detail about each day, in order. The problem there is that reading about someone else's road trip isn't the same as being there, especially when you don't share the primary focus of the trip and don't know the people involved. hmmmm. Just so you know, as I write, I just finished doing the flying eagle shots. On to owls after lunch.

Or not. I think I'll pound out the blog, then I have to take some books back to the library, one of which I'll be talking about a bit later. The photo for it is buried in the post-circus photos along with some lilies, construction, and who knows what else?

So I'll start with the road trip, for at least a bit. There's a lot of this.

For these particular road trips there are both planned and unplanned stops. I am moderately famous for looking the other way at any of the stops. Usually I can get in, get my shot of whatever it is, then I'll be looking around for other photos, often of my fellow travellers.

Of the Day






Garden from June 26

Bee? I think I'm out of bee photos now, unless the bee activity on the dahlias pick up while I'm around.



Owl (not quite there yet, stay tuned.)

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks great and I like today's driftwood, as the areas of sharpest focus work well. Cheers, Sean


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