
Monday, October 12, 2020

Let the sun shine dahlia

 Yesterday was lovely. Linda is putting the garden to bed for the season, but the dahlias were happy doing their thing, and there were even a few bees around. During the afternoon I caught the light just right to get these shots.

This is a little tricky, shooting straight into the sun. I wasn't quite seeing spots after, but I'm glad I didn't have to walk into a dark room.

That was yesterday, sunny, fairly warm. Sort of go for a walk in a long sleeved shirt, or an unzipped jacket kind of warm. I hope all the bees made it home safe. Last night was projected to get frost so Linda was out covering up the plants. Shortly after I took these photos, they were covered. You'll see other dahlia and flower photos on the blog for a while yet, but these might be the last current summery flowery shots.

Why? When I got up this morning I looked at our neighbour's garage roof. That's our test to see if it frosted. None. Yay, I thought. Except when I looked outside after getting water on for coffee, it was snowing. Sigh. It didn't stick, and it's not even below zero, but the nice Calgary fall season is over, and we're into the pre-winter slog. 

Oh, there's another dahlia, just because I like the background almost as much as the flower.

It isn't just the dahlias still putting on a show. A couple of the roses are still blooming.

Of the Day
Curtis is being given special license these days. He is utterly fascinated by running water, which has never particularly interested him before. A water dish full of fresh water doesn't interest him, but the toilet does. Water dribbling out of a tap is the desired source. Normally, of course, he'd be dumped off the counter.

White peony


1 comment:

  1. Nicely done on the first 2. My minor quibble is I would like just a little more space at the top of each image, just enough to give the petals a little more room to breathe. I agree with you on 3 - that background is wonderful. Cheers, Sean


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