
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Another walk in Fish Creek

I got a surprise call from a buddy yesterday. He was desperate to get out of the house, and away from the pavement, and yet respect the social distance thing. I suggested a part of Fish Creek that he had run through but never really explored. After a detour by a closed gate, we parked elsewhere and went in near bridge 8. The park itself is open, but a few of the parking lots are closed for various reasons. I can't wait for 24th St access to open up again.

The only downside of the ramble was that we couldn't go for lunch after like we normally would have. We're coming out of the COVID lock down, but I think it's going to be slow going. I'm certainly not going to be out mingling any time soon. There's lots of people carrying the virus, and since you can't tell if you have it, you could be out infecting other people quite easily. And no, I'm not going to put the tracker on my phone. That would finish off my phone battery in no time. It turns out it can't run in the background so it's essentially useless.

Here's a few of the shots from the ramble. I love me a micro-landscape.

Another rocks on wood as found.

And some wood. Why here? Because I nailed my goal for this shot! You may have heard of the thirds rule, where you try to put the point of interest at the intersection or along the thirds lines. For whatever reason, camera viewfinders don't have that gridline in the viewfinder. At least mine don't so you have to guess. Get it about right and crop as required is the usual route. The only flaw to the photo is the slight bit of not-log in the upper left.

A reflection shot that works better than the ones from the other day.

My ramble buddy, hard at it.

File number serendipity. This was shot last year only a few yards from I captured the butterfly.

And the promised butterfly. Wrong lens, but you take what you can get. It's too early for dragonflies.

Garden of the Day

Last year's rose catching the morning light.

A throwback to a year ago. He hasn't aged a day.

Driftwood of the Day

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if that other guy got anything interesting - just sketches I'm afraid. Thank you for the company. Cheers, Sean


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