
Saturday, May 16, 2020

1313 to choose from

Good morning! It looks like a beautiful summer day out there, but I haven't been outside yet. There are demanding mammals to be placated. Which explains why I'm contemplating options while reviewing  photos and eating breakfast. The coffee is a Brazilian Barbosa, if you were wondering.

But lets start you off by revisiting the purple tulip out front. Here's a better photo of it.

 Now the contemplation results.

It turns out there are 1313 photos in my folder of 'not blogged within the last 3 months.' Plus the 498 I've published on the blog, makes, makes, bear with me here, oh heck you can do the math yourself while I drink more coffee.

Then I looked at how many have been blogged over the last 3 months. If you've been reading my blog regularly you've passed your eyes over nearly 500 photos in the last 3 months. So congratulations you demanding blog mammals!  Or maybe you stopped part way down, thinking you'd come back later when you had more time. I hope you did.

There is a similar folder of not blogged photos going back a year, and it has 1533 photos in it, which seems a bit low compared to the 3 month folder. So let's take a detour. Why wouldn't I have blogged them? Well, the first answer is that there are so many. I don't think I could blog all that I edit as I do them. Some days would be huge, with dozens of photos.

The one from last Wednesday would be over 100 photos, for example. All of them spectacular and stunning photos of a beautiful and talented model. Here and here, in cased you missed her. But her family might look at 100 photos of her, one after the other, but most other people wouldn't. Here's just one. But first, not one, but TWO serendipity. Same file number. Celina snoozing.

And a previously blogged alternative view of where Michelle was sitting, taken several years ago.

And here's Michelle, waiting for the tower lights.

Some days I have no new photos when I'm busy with other things. I try to spread them out so you don't get overwhelmed or go without.

But lets see. The last year (speaking roughly) starts a bit after the 2019 New Zealand trip, and goes to today, including another New Zealand trip. The oldest is a construction photo. There's been lots of that over the last eon or two. Essentially everything in this photo is still a construction zone, but a temporary road goes through it now. This is going to be a huge intersection connecting up Anderson road and the Tsuut'ina First Nation to the new Ring Road. The view changes every walk I've done along the berm, and I often see my neighbours standing almost slack jawed at the work. Some of us remember this being an intersection controlled by stop signs, one lane in each direction, surrounded by grass and scrub bush and small trees.

The year includes a trip to SE Alberta with the famous Neil Zeller. There's lots that didn't make it into the blog, but here's some sand and rocks, because I'm kind of fascinated by those.

 Three local field trips with Neil. This is one of his secret places.

Lots of drives in the country.

So many walks through Fish Creek I don't even know where to begin showing you photos. Linda, of course, helping me figure out locations for a family shoot.

A local field trip with new buddies. Two of them were on the trip to Yukon.

Ten days in Yukon with Neil. So many photos! 70 of which have not made it into the blog.

A trip to Edmonton for a Viking exhibit.

Yet another Neil trip out to Central Alberta.

Several trips with my buddy Sean to various places.

Plus, PLUS, not counted or considered above, a bazillion photos taken for my community association, race photos for my buddies Rose and Richelle (check out Tri It Multisport!), and some private client shoots.

So you can see it's been a busy year, photographically speaking. There's lots of choice for blog photos, and I try to make the photos and text go together. Or at least think about a coherent whole in terms of photo choice. Then other topics come up, and photos get buried under new photos. There are some quite excellent dead wood photos from Fish Creek that have not been seen by anyone but me. Hmmmmm.

These are the oldest of the 3 month folder. Contrary to appearances, these are not from a model shoot. They are candid shots from a visit. Three months has gone by in a blur. Some of my fitness buddies will remember her.

The garden is exploding out of the ground, and I may put in more current photos, but this one is from April 20, when it was about the only thing blooming.

Curtis and Celina
Similar to an earlier post, but Curtis is giving me the squinty eyed look to see what I'm up to.

Driftwood of the Day
This is the last chunk from the Dunedin beaches. On to Brighton beach next, where there is a treat for driftwood fans.

1 comment:

  1. You have had quite a remarkable photographic year - thank you for sharing it with us. So, given your experiences of last year, what do you want to change and what do you want to keep in the coming photographic year? Cheers, Sean


Looking forward to reading your comment!