
Thursday, March 19, 2020

We have not paid the seagull tax

Two big beach days, totaling 5 beaches and many, many Km walked. I am so far behind on editing it's not funny. So here's just a few, to keep the beach fans off my case.

To keep you up with the story, we're still here. Calling Air NZ in a bit to check in and make sure they haven't given away our confirmed seats, or done something that hasn't been announced. Because I worry about these things, that's why.

The birds here are organized. We were having a picnic on Hahei beach yesterday, and a seagull marched up to within a meter of us, and demanded we share. We got given major seagull eye. But we stayed strong. There was some bad gull language. We didn't budge. As we got up, it muscled right in looking for crumbs.

These are from today. Piha beach, and Karekare beach. Both amazing to walk. Not so much driftwood, though. But amazing. I'd love to live nearby and stroll more often. Watching the surfing. The reflections.

Linda is in the first two, and the last shot. I'm pretty sure.

Driftwood of the Day


  1. This is a lovely set and I have quibbles. The bulbous rock on the left in 2 has too much visual mass for the rest of the image, and to my mind takes away from the triangular rock. The ghosting on the triangular rock in 3 is a minor distraction. Normally it wouldn't matter but the rock is so well framed by the vertical branches that the ghosting becomes noticeable. 4 is a wonderful seascape. Cheers, Sean

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