
Saturday, March 7, 2020

And she was off! Again.

She was practically panting at the bit to get there. Slavering with anticipation. And then she was off. Here is the photographic evidence.

Plus it was another good day on the driftwood front. I currently have 715 photos with one star, meaning there is serious consideration for actually editing. A few of them are near duplicates of actually edited ones, but my work flow is a bit broken these days so they weren't destarred. Most of them are driftwood. Some are other 'artistic' shots that might or might not work out. I want to look at many of them on the big screen at home. I'll probably have to re-edit some of the ones I've done already.

1. This is the beach just north of Marahau. Lots of driftwood. I take a photo or two, and this is what I see.

2. Near the start of the Able Tasman Coast Track.

3. And she was off!

4. I guess this is the start of the actual track. Easy going at first. No doubt to lull people into a sense of security or something. We went to Porter's Beach and Tinline Bay. The tide was out and there was a long tidal flat, but we didn't explore that. More driftwood. I think the policy of no fires on the beach means more of it stays put.

5. Linda off yet again!


7. I think there are some cool shots involving this rock and tree as the tide comes in, but I didn't want to stick around.

8. The obligatory artsy shot.

Driftwood of the Day.


  1. I, too, would be champing at the bit to get onto the beach! Great shots as usual. I see NZ has their version of flowerpots that you see here in NS and NB on the Bay of Fundy.

  2. Love the flower pot and tree. I hope you have a closer one. Cheers, Sean


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