
Thursday, January 23, 2020

An Albertan politica rant

You may have heard about the Alberta Fair Deal Panel. Essentially the government thinks that the richest province, with the lowest tax rates, and with some of the most profitable industries in the world, is somehow getting a raw deal from Canada. They have some proposals to make things better. It would be funny if so many people weren't so steamed up about it. I sent in a response to the panel.

To the Alberta Fair Deal Panel,
And MLA Ms. Whitney Issik

My wife and I have been reading about the Fair Deal panel recently, but have been unable to attend any of the sessions in person. We admit to being dubious about this panel returning any other opinions but what Mr. Kenney wants to hear. None the less we would like to submit our responses to the proposals.

Fair Deal response

Establishing a provincial revenue agency to collect provincial taxes directly by ending the Canada-Alberta Tax Collection Agreement, while joining Quebec in seeking an agreement to collect federal taxes within the province.

We are firmly against this proposal. This is a poor idea, adding additional costs for no increased revenue. Of course, Mr. Kenney thinks it will come out of the Federal portion of the taxes, but why would they agree to that? This is a transparent attempt to obtain leverage over the Federal Government by withholding collected funds.

Creating an Alberta Pension Plan by withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan.

We are absolutely against this proposal. This is not just a poor idea, it’s financial malpractice on the backs of pensioners. This is not Alberta’s money. It is money forcibly contributed by all working Canadians. It is invested with the best advice possible, and CPP is currently earning about a 7% return. The Provincial entity (AIMCO) managing pension funds is earning about a 2.3% return in 2018, which is pathetic. Even worse, AIMCO has to obey Cabinet directives, which turns the multi-billion dollar pension funds into a partisan slush fund, to be invested as the Cabinet (which means Mr. Kenney) pleases. Given his recent multi-billion dollar tax give-away for no return, and the demonstrated incompetence at managing the Alberta Heritage Trust Fund, it seems fair to conclude more pension money will follow it down the rabbit hole of a receding industry, to the detriment of pensioners. Over our entire careers we earned our money in Canada, we want it managed in Canada, we want it invested to the highest professional standards, and we want our pension paid out in Canada. We want nothing to do with a financial Albertistan.

Establishing a provincial police force by ending the Alberta Police Service Agreement with the Government of Canada.

We are against this proposal. How much will it cost to break the current contract?  How much to recruit, train, and equip a new force to  replace the RCMP? More money wasted, to merely replicate an existing service.

Emulating Quebec’s practice of playing a larger role in international relations, in part by seeking Alberta representation in treaty negotiations that effect Alberta’s interests.

We are against this proposal. This would appear to create additional costs for no real return on investment. Except, of course, to the buddy of the Premier who captures this political plum. All this will accomplish is to weaken Canada’s role in international negotiations. Our trading partners will use the split as leverage against us.

Emulating Quebec’s legal requirement that public bodies, including municipalities and school boards, obtain the approval of the provincial government before they can enter into agreements with the federal government.

We are against this proposal. In Canada’s foundational documents, municipalities are barely mentioned, and exist only as creatures of the provinces. Except this funding model doesn’t work any more, especially with the erratic flows of capital because of the short-sighted and short term reliance on current oil and gas prices. As an example, when you’re building a billion dollar cancer centre you need a budget that considers long term staffing, equipment maintenance, and other costs. You should not be able to arbitrarily decree that funding is to be cut next year just because oil revenue is down. Most infrastructure projects need stable funding over multiple years. The Federal government is an integral part of this funding. Too often the Province has held up the negotiations because of political considerations. This is absurd.

Using the existing provincial power to appoint the Chief Firearms Office for Alberta.

 We need more information about this proposal before a formal response. I thought we already had such an officer. If we don’t, I’d support such an office if it’s mandate is to rigorously enforce existing firearms laws, and work towards banning private firearm ownership, with some specific exceptions. Otherwise it’s another political plum to be handed out.

Opting out of federal cost share programs with full compensation, such as the federal government’s proposed pharmacare program.

We are against this proposal. The only thing this does is increase costs, and give the Alberta government a chance to divert funds from programs other Canadians enjoy, into politically motivated partisan projects.

Seeking an exchange of tax points for federal cash transfers under the Canada Health and Social Transfers.

Establishing a formalized provincial constitution.
This seems to be an extension of the previous point, and much the same reasoning applies.

To sum up, we have zero trust in the Kenney government, with it’s pandering to separatist sentiments and wretched financial performance so far, to act in the interests of ordinary Albertans. The so-called war room is an embarrassing travesty. Every day it continues is money taken from essential services. I only recently read of the Kenney government supporting various companies not paying their property taxes to municipalities. This is disgraceful! Mr. Kenney’s tactics won him his current role, along with several hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, but it isn’t working in the real world. I would tell Mr. Kenney that he will catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and to get on with actual governing, rather than posturing to his base.


  1. Not an Albertan, however, What right has a provincial government to try to undo Federal programs such as pensions etc. Previous Gov were sorely lacking in their administration of funds and their blindness to the fact that Alberta is mostly dependent on Gas and oil, after being warned many years ago that there was a need to diversify. Nothing was done sand now other provinces are being held hostage by their lack of action. Don't want to rant. Grow up Alberta. It has been easy street for too long.

  2. Certainly one of your better rants! Unfortunately, as much as I love this land, I am not a fan of the Albertan credo "Oil and gas good - conversations about oil and gas bad unless you agree with oil and gas good". Politically,we abused and mismanaged a resource for short term gain and now we are crying that we don't have enough money to buy 90K pick-up trucks. Pipers need paying, and the payment for this particular piper is to diversify regardless of cost because the current tune is no longer playable. As unknown says "Grow Up Alberta". Cheers, Sean


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